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First Travel bus drivers urinating in the street!

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Why can't they go at the back of the bus like the rest of us? :mad:


I think some responsibility certainly lies with the company, they should be given the opportunity to go regularly. nobands you've mentioned public toilets, if a driver did nip away for 5 mins to the nearest public toilet people would still be complaining - obviously not entirely their fault but certainly something the company needs to address in my opinion.

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i use a bottle when i'm working. then empty it. then use hand sanitizer, so i don't spread germs!


I loved this post...ive shown it my hubby in the hopes it bares a good influence on him!!

Personaly, its not their peeing that bothers me, its when i flash busses out and the drivers dont thank me! (ill manners grrrrrr) :D

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We live opposite a bus stop which fronts a wooded area and its not bus drivers that we see going behind it for a pee but men who have just turned out of the nearby club. Obviously its not easy enough to go for a pee whilst they were in the club.


I feel sorry for the bus drivers and I think the management should schedule comfort breaks for them! I can imagine that First Bus were more concerned about the driver leaving his bus than the public seeing him having a pee though. First Bus arent good employers though and dont give a toss about their employees.

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Perhaps the poor guy should have run the bus light to the nearest public toilet which from penryth road would be the bus station then see how many people ring in to say their bus was missing from Shirecliffe.

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Sorry but I totally disagree. I agree with Red Rocker completely.

Members of the public and taxi drivers do not in general urinate in the street - if they do then they can easily be subjected to an £80 fixed penalty as it is classed as anti social behaviour.


Red Rocker did not say he wanted him fired, but that's what he thought had happened. I don't believe this is the case. Nor did RR say he was looking at the driver's manhood - this is a tale which has been fabricated as this thread has developed as part of a joke.


I did not say that the driver urinated on my property, I stated that it was right outside my home. Also, I'm a 'she' not a 'he', not that that matters, but as I'm trying to set the record straight, it's always worth a mention.


Finally can I remind you that personal attacks on other Forum members are not permitted. Criticising opinions are one thing, but direct personal attacks are not permitted and I will remove any more that appear.


So Classic Rock you say Red Rocker did not say they wanted him fired, read the following reply from him/her to Medimans post. States clearly I HOPE HE GETS FIRED. Get your facts correct before stating untruths



Originally Posted by mediman

Can you honestly say that as a kid you never peed in the street or behind a bush, grow and stop tale telling. When you have to go you have to go, not his fault toilets are few and far between.


Red Rockers reply page 3

You know what I have never peed in the street as a child or otherwise!! If they had the common sense maybe they would actually try and find somewhere out of sight NOT right there in full view!! And as for "Tale Telling" I hope he gets fired!! The next time I see this happening I WILL go to the paper!!


Edited by brus
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