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Be on guard at Self Service Checkouts

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I have just nipped out to Tesco for a few things (thankfully as it turns out) and used the self-service checkout. I scanned the first 4 items through then I had to weigh my carrots and then I paid with my debit card, got my receipt and pushed my trolley to the end of the aisle to pack my bag. I did a double take as I only found the carrots there as someone had kindly helped themselves to the rest of the shopping!


Tesco were very good and got an assistant to replace everything and the security got the guy on CCTV whether anything more will be done I dont know. I am amazed I didnt notice anything and it must have happened whilst I was distracted weighing the veg. Beware there is always some scrote around to mess your day around and what could have been a 10 minute outing turned into 45 mintues with all the explaining and replacing.

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I have just nipped out to Tesco for a few things (thankfully as it turns out) and used the self-service checkout. I scanned the first 4 items through then I had to weigh my carrots and then I paid with my debit card, got my receipt and pushed my trolley to the end of the aisle to pack my bag. I did a double take as I only found the carrots there as someone had kindly helped themselves to the rest of the shopping!


Tesco were very good and got an assistant to replace everything and the security got the guy on CCTV whether anything more will be done I dont know. I am amazed I didnt notice anything and it must have happened whilst I was distracted weighing the veg. Beware there is always some scrote around to mess your day around and what could have been a 10 minute outing turned into 45 mintues with all the explaining and replacing.


i cant work those machines,they look like space ships. i use a till where there is a human being to sort your shopping

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I usually don't use them but in the past fortnight the queues in M&S were murder so I decided to use them. The first time I didn't have a problem but was very put off by the checkout assistant who was watching me like an eagle and was watching with interest whilst I put in my card pin number until I told them to mind their own business.


The second time I'd got some bread rolls which don't have a bar code and it took me 5 minutes to find them in the 'loose items' options and I ended up missing my bus.


I'll stick to the express tills in future ;)

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