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Grow up Scotland

The Watcher

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I prefer George Bernhard Shaw's


"Patriotism is the belief your country is superior simply because you where born in it"


It is to some misguided people. For anyone else Patriotism is the belief that your country is or was once great and that you have pride regarding your roots and your identity whether your country is currently being blown to bit or prospering nicely. It's your country and more important to you but not necessarily superior.

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The Scots and English have been like this for a few hundred years...It's a comfortable "love hate relationship". I'm sure there are a few Scots who'd love to come down and kick our ass as much as there are a few Englishmen who'd love to cross the border and do the same, as well as go into Argentina and hunt down Maradona or sink another Belgrano.


Personally I think it's healthy rivalry. As someone has already said...I don't think most Scots really do want to see an English defeat..they just know we bite when the fly is cast. (As is reinforced on here)


It's football folks...just football.

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Yes... physics was his specialty not politics! ;)


He has been particularly well placed to witness the undesirable effects of nationalism though, wouldn't you agree?


Anyway back on topic.


I think Butcher need to grow up a bit and act with a bit more dignity. I hold Butcher responsible for missing a schoolboy tackle that would have stopped Maradonna strolling his way through the English defence. I'd still shake Butchers hand though.

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Had a good laugh at some of these comments!

I'm an Englishman living in Ayr,(not something to shout about)The Scots have always been friendly to me but,when it comes to football they hate us.

As an Englishman,i go to my local which is an Irish pub to watch the footy.


I take immense pleasure in seeing their so-called hero's looooozing in the Euro/world cup qualifiers and enjoy telling them that Celtic/Rangers will never win owt until they defect down into the English leagues and play footy with the big clubs.


However,being a Wednesday fan in the current climate,doe's leave me open to ridicule.

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The Guy is a legend because of his football ability but there is no doubt he's a cheat

After the game Maradona and Terry Butcher went for a urine sample,Butcher asked him if it was head or hand and the git pointed to his head

And apparantley he still can't see what all the fuss is about

As a footballer i admire him

As i person i hate him

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Butcher is spot on!

He should stick one on the cheating, drug taking midget, not shake his hand.


As for the sad, sad country that is Scotland. Their only chance of World Cup glory, is to support any team playing England. Sod 'em!




what do call a scotsman at the world cup?




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Butcher is only sore because he got made to look like an idiot for the second goal.


It was not a great defence in that match though. Marodona went past Fenwick, Reid and Hodge as well, all pretty crap footballers in their own right.

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One of the biggest problems I (and probably others brought up in an industrial Sheffield of the sixties) have as an Englishman (when England play Scotland) , is that I have more in common and can empathise more with Glaswegians than with Chelsea fans from Guildford that follow England. (even if I do have difficulty understanding them sometimes!).


And as a Wednesdayite, never was it put more to the test, than when Jim MacCalliog scored the winner at Wembley.

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