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If you love CATS - please help once again


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Rain do they use there ebay thing i see they have no sellers listed if they are using their ebay account i have a load of stuff to sell when i get it sorted i can set it up so they get a cut of my final sale dunno how soon i can get it sorted tho as all the things are at my mums.



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Thanks for picking up on the thread for her.

The previous thread was all about C.A.T.S - it basically seemed to die a death. I just don't have the time to keep raising awareness for them on here, and I thought some people would be picking up with her and helping. Lots of really kind people donated some money before - I think they got a few hundred pounds - but as we all know - that can be just a couple of vet bills and she's back to square one.


I don't think they do use their ebay Missionfish account - I could look into sorting that out if it means we can do something that way.


Helensq - definately re the tin shaking - that could bring in some money for them, but I think you have to have permission from the Sheffield Council to be able to do that - could anyone pick that up and lets have a go?


Max - what you say is possibly true and it certainly may come to that. I know that the Sheffield Cat Shelter do lots of good work - if jackie could at least forward all the calls for help onto SCS and so all she had to deal with were the ones in her care - that would halve the battle. The problem with the ones in the sanctuary is that many of them are semi or totally blind/deaf/disabled in many ways. She has 3 cerebral palsy youngsters that she has hand raised and that now wander around at the centre because they know where to go and the pace there is calm and suitable for kits with such a disorder.


She would be devastated if they had to be moved - and as so many are old - and if she didn't have to take any more in - then it could just gradually wind down if nobody else could / would run with it.


I would love her to just get her head above water - and then if people could help a little bit to keep her sustained.


thanks for helping

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