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Am I about to meet my maker?

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A while ago I posted something which has been taken to be inflammatory by one particular forum member.


This person has threatened me off line and I perceive the intent to be genuine.


My question is can this individual ever identify me with sufficient clarity to carry out their threat?


I suspect not unless the forum releases my IPaddress and also my ISP then releases my home address.


Id be grateful for any help



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the only way this can be done is if the ISP releases your address which they have on file. But this could only be requested by the police or the government.


If you are still really worried about this then either change ISP and ask old ISP to delete all information, this must be done upon request or you could even contact citizens advice on legalities of this.


Hope this helps

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I think your pretty safe on that account - I don't think ISPs are in the habit of handing out their user details.


though pulling on my mod hat I can't say that I'm at all happy hearing that people have been making threats on here - feel free to contact a member of your mod team with details and we will see what we can sort out for you...

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Your biggest problem will be if you have given any personal details away on the forum in the past.

It is'nt easy to trace someone from their ip address (as far as i know). I think your ip address will just link back to your isp anyway, i know mine does.

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i think people can find out quite a lot about you but they need your email addy or something more than a screen name on a public forum to go on i'm sure.


From a personal safety aspect, maybe we should know what the screen name is of a person who is making threats to injure forum members who post stuff they don't like?


I dont mean you should post it ukdavvy but maybe the site management should let us know when they are satisfied of the facts?

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It still makes you stop and think though, doesn't it?


Some newbie took umbrage at me pointing out a scam he was trying to pull, and it can rattle you a bit when the PMs get nasty.


That's why I'm not likely to ever make it to a forum meet.

I'll preserve my annonymity a little. Still, if anybody fancied trawling through over 2000 posts to try to figure out who I might be....

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A while back some-one wanted to contact me via the forum about some of my posts [totally innocently] The Forum simply relayed this persons e-mail address to me [ as had been asked] The Forum did not just hand my e-mail address out and I can't think of any situation where they would divulge private info on any of the members.

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