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The Rotherham Ministry of Food

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Jamie Oliver has just opened his first (which indicates there may be more to follow) Ministry of Food. A building showing cooking demonstrations and giving away free recipes to local people to encourage healthy eating.


Do you think it will help?

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Why do people need a celebrity chef to encourage them to eat healthily, it's not rocket science is it?


"Do you think it will help?"...His bank balance maybe?


Did you not see those horrid mothers on the news last year in Rawmarsh?! Looking at them and the state of their children, I think healthy eating is very much rocket science to them.

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It has little to do with people not knowing what's healthy - everyone knows that and always has done. It has a lot more to do with the uncomfortable fact that if money is short you need your kids to eat what you've bought for them or they will go hungry - so you are simply not going to pay out £1.50 for a salad lunch that will be untouched, and then have the kids come home and hungrily demolish a loaf of bread that you were hoping to make last til next day.


Then there's also something George Orwell recognised as far back as the 1930s (read The Road To Wigan Pier) but which monied people like Oliver always fail to see - that if you have very little money one way of introducing a little pleasure into your daily life is to indulge in cheap treats like a cup of sugary tea (Orwell noted how the middle classes would often criticise the unemployed for spending precious money on nutritionally 'bad' bags of sugar and packs of tea - nothing changes, eh?), a pack of 10p crisps, a sausage roll, a reduced price bag of Mini Eggs from Netto.... - it might not be a designer dress or a trip to the Maldives but it's a treat people can afford.

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My colleague from Voluntary Action Rotherham is meeting him next week to discuss recruiting volunteers to run the shop. There's also a job being advertised to manage the shop. The whole thing is going to be filmed for a TV programme (of course).

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  • 4 months later...

I can't stand this programme, what a set up from start to finish. Jamie sat on top of a hill looking across Rotherham, Jamie sat at the side of a road in contemplation at how he can turn the people of Rotherham's diet around - how patronising.


I live in Sheffield and the word has definitely not got to my neck of the woods even though I'm at the edge of Rotherham - how many of you have had it passed on?


When I got married at 21 years and didn't know how to cook I went to M&S got a basic cook book and got started from that - if you want to do it you don't need Jamie Oliver's encouragement.


To be honest now that filmings finished I wonder how many of his recruits are still cooking or are back on the crisps. Also that gobby woman with the blond hair really gets on my wires - she's definitely only there for the cameras.


Sorry, rant over!:thumbsup:

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