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Sheffield's rat problem out of control says Blunkett


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Apparently reports about rats have nearly tripled in the last few years.


From the Sheffield Star


It's obviously not good for the city's image, but I must say that I have seen a few rats on the street in the last couple of years and I have never so much as heard a squeak in the past.


I think most of them work at the Town Hall during the day

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I Think David may well be right about the number of rats and I have my own theory for the problem, us. The growth of fast food take a ways and the irresponsible disposal of the wrappers and the waste food must have been a godsend to any struggling rat family. You only have to walk down any street in Sheffield to see the leftovers of someone’s late night supper after a night in the pub or club, a veritable feast for any rat and its family. I was down by the railway station a couple of months ago and looked over the wall at where the river Sheaf emerges at the side of the Spar shop. The ground was littered with food waste and rubbish that people had just thrown over the wall, into the river area and dozens of rats were enjoying a free meal. What a messy race we are, I think we have only ourselves to blame for the explosion of the rat population. We can always blame the politicians, but they are not always the people who feed the rats.

There are loads there, I often see them there.

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Meh, David Blunkett is a prize numpty IMO, I sympathise with his disabilities ie his blindness, but he does tend to talk out of his bottom a lot IMO.


Well, he's certainly not talking out of his bottom this time. I've lived near Hinde Common Wood for 22 years and got my first rat ever in my garden last year.


Hardly surprising, as they were running rampant in the woods. In all my years of dog walking there, I'd only seen one occasionally, down in the stream. But they'd got brave enough to actually stand on the path and ignore you until you got to within a few feet of them.


The chap I spoke to at the Council said they'd been putting down bait in the woods, but it was an increasing problem due to the number of morons who just throws black bin-liners of household waste into the woods. And, of course, the left-overs from take away meals that get chucked in there.


If enough isn't being done to keep the sewer rats under control, then the problem is just going to get worst for everybody.

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I guess he's been hanging around graves park, always see loads when Im walking the dog


The reason Graves Park is infested with rats is because folk keep chucking bread on the banks of the lakes thinking that they are feeding the ducks.



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