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Rate the last film you saw


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Pirates of the Caribbean : on stranger tides. Could equally have been subtitled the cynical cash in. Offered nothing to the trilogy and although depp wasnt bad and particularly Ian mcshane was pretty good, it wasn't very good at all. Story was weak and will quickly become a parody of itself if they do another one (which they probably will). Whole thing felt like a bit like police academy 6 - Half the original cast and a crap plot.



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Sat in cinema about to start watching Chronicle so will let yaz know :D


Edit: Just got home.

OooOook, imagine... HANCOCK but instead of Mr Smith we have 3 studenty types, one with a paranoid deluded personality (and come on we all know somebody right). Very watchable though and done in the wobbly camera mode that seems to be all the rage recently, giving people headaches and prangs of vertigo all over movie land I'd imagine. Hmm was Blair Witch the first wobbly camera movie?? Who knows who knows.


Edited by walkertelecoms
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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - 2/10. Drawn out and drab, as much excitement as an episode of Flog It.


I too thought this was pretty bad. The acting in it was good but that's about it. What I didn't like was the fact that there's this whole thing of you having to try and guess who the mole is and then when you find out, you just kind of think, 'Well, I suppose it could have been him but I hardly really saw him in the film'.

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The Three Muskateers (the new one) - 5/10.


What can I say? It's fun to watch, completely daft, but enjoyable. The fight scenes are exciting and ridiculous. I just shudder when I hear an American accent in an olde film.


The Big Year - 8/10

Completley misscast this one and I reckon there'll be a few bad reviews from the public. The three main stars, Steve Martin, Owen Wilson, Jack Black, are all brilliant, but take roles that wouldn't usually be expected of them. I think this subtlety of humour will be lost on people who watch this film because they're expecting Jack Black at his Tenacious D best. Likewise I think that most who would enjoy the film will be put off by the cast, which is a shame because it's a hell of a film.

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