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What do you hate About Sheffield

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This thread is for what we HATE about the place.


local goverment ,councils etc,they are bent and corrupt the world over ,sheff council sold most of the council employees down the river,but looked after themselves,i could name names but, couldnt be bothered:loopy:

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...the arrogant natives...

You're joking, right? Arrogance declines the further away you live from London. Maybe you're confusing the natives with the southerners who flooded into Sheffield at the end of September ;) .


As for vandalism, you get that everywhere. In Edinburgh, the council used to come along every so often and fill the gaps in the tree-lined walkways of the Meadows with beautiful saplings. Days later, some pea-brained lout and his presumably drunken and/or equally moronic mates would come along and snap the trunks. How deprived of stimulation must you have to be to seek pleasure in something like that? But I digress.


I can't think of anything I hate about Sheffield, though having moved way 15+ years ago, I'm probably seeing it through rose-tinted glasses. I do dislike the fact that they turned the old Odeon on Burgess Street into a crappy club though. Will that do?

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Spoken like a true xenophobe lol!


Nah, I don't mind change or new things at all, I just don't see the need completely get rid of old things to have new things, thats all :)


(If you said it because of what I said about students, well, my family annoy me too, it doesnt mean I dont like them. The city would be dead without students.)

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the people who walk up and down Division street with stupid hair cuts.




It amuses me that people list things like traffic lights and potholes as horrible Sheffield things... I suppose they could be quite annoying if you drive round the city all the time though


I think I hate the greyness more than anything. It may be a green city but more often than not the sky is grey...

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It amuses me that people list things like traffic lights and potholes as horrible Sheffield things... I suppose they could be quite annoying if you drive round the city all the time though



My partner came here from Bradford, and after 18 months she still can't believe how appallingly bad the roads are in comparison to any other city or town in which she's ever driven. (Including those in Spain.)


Since I don't do the driving, it's never been something particularly high on my list of bloody annoying things, though.

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I can't think of anything I hate about Sheffield...


I agree Hecate :)


After living in London/Nottingham for sometime, I'm very thankful (that I'm back) for what we've got in Sheffield (yes, it's a bit of a mess at the moment, flood damaged, building work everywhere, etc...)


The only thing I really dislike about Sheffield, is a lack of diversity re: Club nights (no fault of the promoters).




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