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  1. Hi all. Been reading this story debunking Tony’s claims that the b17 crashed trying to avoid kids in the park. I along with everyone else will never know the whole truth and can only add this . The story that it only became folklore in the eighties and nineties is nonsense. My dad told me the story in the mid sixties when I was mad on aeroplanes and war stories. I Wes about 11 or twelve then. My dad died young in 1974 when I was 18 . My dad who would have been around 16 at the time of the crash got a piece of aluminium skin from the site. He didn’t see the crash happen so I don’t know where he got the story from . He told me it come in low over the park low on fuel desperately looking for a place to put down maybe saw people below or overshot the small area of available grass area pulled up to go around again only to stall at such a low approach and spun in to crash . He did also say that a couple of the first would be rescuers got one of the crew out but he died and rather strangely one of these rescuers was a cripple don’t know if he was on crutches or suchlike but as I say this was conveyed to me in the sixties an blows holes in the nineties folklore theory.
  2. I frequented the Oxford in upperthorpe. Always had a zoom ice lolly in the interval.
  3. Am not sure if the old chaps that had the garage owned it they may have rented it..There wasn't much to own really. It comprised of half wood and half glazed doors built in front of two converging brick walls in a triangle shape. As I said previously raravioli was a mechanic at Dan Bradbury on London Road.in 1972 .if he wasn't repairing or servicing anything he was to be seen serving on the spares counter up stars. It's my guess the old chaps that owned or ran empire garage called it a day when scooters were on the demise mid to late seventies before quadrophenia caused a bit of a revival. Dan Bradbury closed around this period .ravioli probably bought the old chaps out or rented it.
  4. Don't know if this is helpful. It was open pre 1972 when I frequented the place . It was owned /run then by 2 blokes aged about sixtyis. It was later ran by an ex Dan Bradbury mechanic called ravioli .I had my lambretta tested there and bought parts occasionally. I think it was still open in the early 801.
  5. I don't want to research anything I'll leave that to you learned types. I only asked a couple of questions. Your testy replies answered nothing.I am not seeking arguments you keep on your crusade of defen ding the righteous. I'm off for a few beers before my roast pork Sunday dinner good day.
  6. Can you point us to these other examples of society.
  7. Scrapper asked a valid question. If you're not PakistanI naive could you please explain your strange response.
  8. Lien . The camp is not in krakow it's a hour and a half drive away. I and my wife visited the camps in June last year whilst in krakow for the weekend. As for the question of not knowing how to feel or what to expect that will depend on your general character. I found it a deeply moving experience although I didn't go back to the hotel and sob.As this is a major tour attraction you expect diverse visitors with different views and outlooks. This I noted whilst outside the famous gates at the entrance to the camp people posing and smiling in front of their self ie sticks. I wonder if they felt as light hearted after the tour. If they did then they should have stayed in krakow and gone on a boat trip.
  9. I can confirm with no doubt that win stones was at the bottom of sing hill in august of 1970 . I know this because I bought a levi denim jacket with my first wage . You don't forget things like that . I was 15 then and the jacket cost £4 15 shillings. As for moving round the corner to opposite the courts I think that's a no . Only shop I remember there sold air rifles think it was turners.
  10. spider that nursery is open and staffed till 6 pm. I think the bungalow is occupied and even if it wasn't there are other houses next door to the bungalow am sure they would be complaining . I suggest you make sure of your facts .
  11. st stephens netherthorpe in mid 60s mrs crowson. then park county best teacher miss sewell.
  12. agree with some of your comments farm boy. my first lambo was a 1960 li 150 already 12 years old when I bought it for 20 quid in 1972.after a year I got a 1968 sx150 for 30 quid.4 year later I got a1971 gp200 again for 30 quid. I maintained these and my mates machines myself. as you say lambrettas were a bit self destructive. however 10 of us some with pillions ventured to cadwell park and fulbeck 140 miles round trip and we all made it back.as ive already said these were all hand painted with a shovel 30 quid rattletraps maintained on 17 year olds lads wage restrictions so I don't think we did too badly. lambrettas were more fun , vespas more reliable. great fun times and memories.
  13. only half right red ted .grays were on bridge st. however they relocated to west st certainly by may 1973 , when a friend of mine bought a lambretta gp200 from them.this machine had been traded in for a motorbike .
  14. sorry late reply can only use computer when my son isnt on it which is pretty much constant . no my mum didnt work at school. i lived on the flats till 1982 by which time they had begun to deteriorate. i lived above the pavement end. despite my previous remark i heve fond memories of growing up there and mates etc before the rot set in.
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