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Everything posted by leonard333

  1. its true i know someone who has seen them,but it makes sence i bet most large places have them.
  2. well done sheffield looks great there for those who can aford it, if not take a walk in the park.
  3. tickets for comedy club were grand parents and loved it 30 quid for 2.
  4. dore grill family run love children,you can see menue on line.we went for a 60th they loved it.
  5. can you remember staff on sorby street.
  6. i left 13yrs before you sounds like you had it as bad as me, in catering.
  7. me and my brother had one hot water bottle and took it in turns of sharing it.
  8. i could not count to ten when i left thank god for further education i now run my own buisness.
  9. i loved the crazy daisy i went most nights, and the penthouse.wish i could remember morean any one remember a couple who danced all night both good looking he danced round her she wore a dress that was cut down the side so you new she had no under wear on,wonder what they are doing now.
  10. mr phillips was the only one that was ever kind to me.
  11. **** why would you remember that i carnt,
  12. yes norwood upholstery brill its a man and woman,in there 50s dont make you feel uncomfortable,no charge for a estamate.
  13. i was told about it went wednesday great weared at first but will go again.
  14. we have a room you can use as a toddler group free s5 area plus we will help toys etc get in touch.
  15. no probs had 2 kids no one ever put on them,remember a john nice looking,wish i could remember you,you know my name try find me on face book,carnt say to much on here.
  16. just got back from having teeth whitning,looks great will it last let you know cost 250.
  17. thought i must have been how every one treat me dont remember any one been trying,kim gaynor lefty a girl with long plat that was nice kevin hauge,no teachersblocked all out.
  18. booked in for tomorrow let you know how i get on
  19. hi lorri not open all year round, open 9 to 3 only take 15 children, all 4 staff been there for 15 yrs working as a team.
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