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  1. I'm looking for a garderner/landscaper to do some work on my back garden after existing patio reshaping & re-stoning, a couple of gravel paths cutting through existing lawn & a fence constructing can't seem to get anyone to actually come to give us a quote, so any recommendations would be very much appreciated cheers Dave
  2. I'm also after an electrician, primarily to find & resolve a problem with my back porch lighting, but also to fit two PIR outside lights
  3. Got to be 20 years since I had a permit for tin mill... they’d just split it into 2 lakes... anyone know how prolific the tench are in the silvers side?
  4. This is a bit of a long shot, but does anyone know of someone local(ish) who makes pottery ornaments, bespoke to someone's design? reason I'm asking, it's my 25th wedding anniversary at the beginning of July, and I thought it would be nice to give my wife of a permanent reproduction of our wedding cake top & figures... We've still got the top layer of the cake & the 2 figures that stand on it... been boxed up for 25 years & I'm a bit afraid to open the box, as you can imagine the figures I refer to are 2 slightly chubby cute penguins (I have a photo of them in their prime) Any help would be appreciated
  5. Just wanted to say how much better the layout at the High Green recycling centre is now they've lengthened the drive/entrance queue, and moved the main parking area to the back they are currently allowing 4 cars to park up, but the area will hold many more cars once we're out of the current restrictions, and the entrance can now accommodate many more cars than before, in a bid to reduce the amount of cars waiting on the lane outside, and at present they are operating a one-way walking system amongst the skips... I had been storing loads of stuff in my garage due to the current restrictions, I had bags of plastic food containers, shed loads of cardboard, hundreds of tins.... (been building up for a couple of months, and we still manage to fill all our bins come bin collection day!) and bags and bags of garden waste, and all this had started to mulch & release very pleasant smelling liquids...! So I bit the bullet, expecting huge queues & potential road rage situations, but there was none of it, just easy access & friendly, helpful staff I know I probably need to get out more, but this was the smoothest tip experience I think I've had in recent memory, so a big well done to whoever conceived the new layout, and thanks to all the staff
  6. yes I think Underbank is a pay on the bank job, there was a fella fishing plugs at the neck end on Monday... I did see what looked like a rod holdall at one of the pegs further along about 2/3 of the way up to the boat club, but didn't actually see an angler, and I didn't go down to the water as I had the dog with me...
  7. depends what type of fishing you're wanting to do, you've already mentioned my fave's for long distance feeder, but there's also Elsecar reservoir to add smaller waters where less distance is needed, Westwood & Howbrook and I'd also have to say Kiveton Waters... not exactly what I'd call a feeder water, but the top lake on there (the one with the island) is stuffed with bream & skimmers, I've had bream to 6lb from there on pole & pellet
  8. in 2007 the Oughtibridge stretch was in my friend's garage, that is definitely upper Don the stretch at Mexborough was right up to the top of the flood defence wall & over into the field at the other side, not sure how bad it was at Doncaster itself, but I'd hazard a guess it was over the top there too, so based on that I'd say it was all stretches that had bust their banks
  9. I've always been a big believer in supporting your local team, I suppose some people might say that's easy to say coming from Sheffield, but not so much if you're from a small town somewhere with either a lower/non-league side. True I guess, but I'm fortunate enough to have been born in Stannington, the bedroom window from which I was born overlooks Hillsborough and you could see and hear the ground, so I was always gonna be a Wednesday supporter it was never a conscious decision for me, it was written!
  10. yes, still gets fished... not fished it myself, but Alan Scotthorne filmed a Drennan video there last year I think, testing a new 10m whip there & was hammering the roach have a look...
  11. Centrepin.... Thank you for that I haven't fished a match for over 5 years, but this one's going in the diary
  12. Strange thing this morning, opened the back door to let the dog out, strolled out onto garden with my regular cup o coffee & wandering round the grass (as I do to check for any dirt removal jobs) I came upon an egg Lying on the grass, close to the hedge separating the adjoining garden, the egg was about the same size as a normal hen's egg, and had a hole the size of a 50p piece, and no contents not so unusual you say, it's an egg, but it had a supermarket date stamp on it I'm assuming it's been thieved by either fox or bird, but who leaves eggs in a place where fox/bird can steal them? It's the third one we've found on our property in the last couple of year, one was on the front garden, again on the grass near the front hedge, but the second (which my wife found) was actually buried in one of her plant pots, with the plant still intact what kind of animal is doing this, and is it thick? or are we being subjected to minor nuisance from some jolly neighbour?
  13. my uncle used to go across and collect work parties from here to labour at farms in Stannington & Bradfield (my dad was too young, only 12 when the war ended) he used to collect German's & Italian's...
  14. We got warned off that area in Wentworth a couple of years ago, the fella said that the police use it for training & quite often dog training
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