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Everything posted by shaky99

  1. thanks guys, its already loaded on ps3. So basically i let it run whilst im doing nothing else (i.e. overnight) and my ps3 is working for medical research. cheers
  2. Hiya, i can do many things, but just cant seem to grasp the idea of this program on the ps3. I gather its something medical / scientific , but I am completely baffled by its purpose. I also gather that by using it, you get points, but what could i do with them. I feel really stupid, as give me a hardware / technical ps3 problem , it's sorted, but this software just baffles me. Could someone please explain in laymans terms what its for, and perhaps why i would use it? regards Shaky99
  3. Not strictly true, i cancelled on the internet banking site, and read if payment was due today, then its too late, if payment due within 3 days, then contact branch or telephone banking to comfirm cancellation, which i did and no problems with the cancellation
  4. Andy, did that straight after speaking to insurance company, i have fretted all week about this and in the end it took a couple of phone calls and i got about 10 days to get my finantial circumstance in order, well done churchill. ps. no i dont work for them !!
  5. Thanks all, i was fretting over nothing, spoke to churchill, and they said "OOHHH Yes!" go ahead and cancel it. When the bank inform us you will have two options, reset up the d/d or pay your final payment by card. I never liked churchill since they charged me £15 admin fee and increased my premium by 30% because i moved 800 yrds down the rd, but they were great today and took a weight of my mind, without finantial penalty.
  6. I thought that sainsbury on archer rd closed about 10pm, are they opening late specially for the release?
  7. Hiya, unfortunately, due to my own bad management, i wont have funds in my bank for my monthly car insurance tommorrow. But i shall on saturday, which is no use really. I guess i have two options, let the bank refuse and charge me, in which case i can phone churchill on sat morning and pay by card. or cancell the d/d and pay on saturday anyway, cancellation of the d/d does not really matter because its my last payment anyway. just wondering what other people might think is the best option? thanks
  8. thought i'd let you know how ridiculous the insurance system is, my old fella spilt wine into his laptop, contacted his insurance and was advised to take to a pc shop for repair quote, repair man wrote report stating beyond economical repair and charged £20, fair enough. this was presented to insurance and they rapidly replaced with brand spanking new lappy, or credit to purchase one, not interested in the scrap whatsoever. I took a look and purchased a new keyboard of ebay (£20 ish). Bingo, been working perfect ever since. That seems like a very economical repair to me. Oh well......
  9. wrong, all boats are sailed, land vehicles are driven, most vehicles are steered, LOl
  10. Xsport is exactly right, they all play ps1 games. I would if you can afford it buy a new slim ps3 and pick up a working secondhand ps2, because the ps2 compatible ps3s are getting old now and very prone to breakdown as previously mentioned. I know it means having 2 consoles, but thats what i'd do, also you see alot of ps2's advertised on the forum for very little cash.
  11. the police dont do much regarding scrap men, because by the time they have been traced and charged with any relevant offence , they are usually released on bail and dont turn up for court, more trouble and cost than the police think worthwhile.
  12. Thanks for the replies, i would need legal aid, i have phoned virtually every solicitor in the yellow pages and i basically get the stock answer "we dont deal with the csa" , i did speak to one lady solicitor who was very sympathetic to my problem and told me that she would not be allowed to represent me, whether that was under the legal aid scheme i do not know. I havent go a prayer of finding private funding if that was the only option available, It seem madness that i could have representation for murder, but for disputing money owed to the government i cant. When i was last at court, i was asked if i was represented prior to going in, i stated that i wasnt. She asked if i would like the duty solicitor to which i reponded that i very much would. Anyway, i was ushered in a couple of minutes later without the duty solicitor. I didn't say anything because i assumed the duty solicitor said "i dont deal with the csa". seems madness to me
  13. does anyone know why a solicitor cannot represent a member of the public in a case regarding the csa? . i have gone through the phone book and cant get one to help me.
  14. Kate, ESA is replacing incapacity benefit, as its titled Emplyment support allowance, under the old incapacity rules you were allowed to work so many hours a week, as a incentive to get back into work, to get used to working again. So its possible to do some "permitted work" and not lose your benefit. There a limits on hours, and earnings, but it is an option open to people on disabilty to get back into work.
  15. As far as i know you are allowed to work UNDER 16 hours a week, as long as its permitted work and you dont earn over a specific amount. So you cant do much overtime, i think people think that you can work 16 hours, you cant. you can work anything under, so in your case of 14 hours, seems fine, but not alot of room for overtime. its also not flexible, you cant do say 20 hours one week and 5 the next, basically 15 hours a week max, my main point being under 16 hours a week and at my last check earnings were a max of £90 odd a week.
  16. Make an official complaint if you feel strongly enough about it, like all of us, sometimes they make mistakes
  17. Hi, Thinking about getting the kids a couple of lcd tv's for their rooms for xmas, is bush a reasonable brand, i know they have been about years, but dont think i have ever purchased one of their products, but the price seems ok. Thanks
  18. Hi, quite an old thread, but filming just of club garden rd back of washington rd flats today, had to wait a few min to get home whilst they shot a scene. very polite crew, its a six part drama due to show in january
  19. I'm with plusnet, got a 60gb monthly package and with line rental, evening /weekend calls. Any downloads between midnight and 7am are not counted towards monthly download. Connection is always great and i pay on average £25 a month which includes a few non free calls. Had a few hiccups when i moved home, but generally excellent.
  20. My gone down aswell, rescaned twice, no signal at all. maybe a temp delay
  21. Hi, yes, my mate had a power cut in s7 around midnight, but i can understand why my landline wont work.
  22. Hi , Has anyone else in s11 had problems with the phone / broadband in the area, im on plusnet, last night the it all went off. Plusnet are looking into it, just wondered if anyone else had problems oh, just to elaborate, no one can ring me, and whatever number i dial, a recorded message says this number has not been reconized.
  23. first and foremost, i am not your "son" , or buddy, friend or anything else for that matter, so lets get that straight. I have read the post and if you notice, the origional poster never mention anything about anyone selling anything. the word customer is in inverted commas, they look like this " ", that is an assumption, if the poster has a problem with illegal trading going on where they live, then that is a matter for the council. if the op assumes illegal substances are being dealt where the live, that is a matter for the police. So those who might feel clever about popping round to said address, think twice, because you never know who might be reading this post. And to all those who consider this to be a race issue, you are very wrong, its about a person or family who have some kind of harrasment in their life, who might be best speaking to their local bobby. so with the above said, i wish the op has a satisfactory resolve to their problem, however they choose to address it. i am no longer prepared to respond to childish comments on what, for someone might be a serious problem
  24. read the post from them beginning, no one is offering anything
  25. obviously an illiterate sf member, desperate for something
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