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The Watcher

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Everything posted by The Watcher

  1. Why does hearing Becky Taylor put you off women or something:lol:
  2. I wouldnt have a clue but i figure whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
  3. And your point is? By the way, do you like my new avatar?
  4. A racist is a racist if they can spell or not. And you my friend are a racist. You just dont have the nuts to admit it.
  5. Yeah, its best to be just seen as racist rasther than a linguistically challenged racist:thumbsup:
  6. :hihi: You dont seriously expect a reasonable answer to that do you?
  7. Bunch of terrorist supporting goons. Get a life
  8. The reason so many are on the fiddle is because there are so many dishonest people around.
  9. To show that i, am considerably richer than yew!
  10. Yeah, they should all be destroyed at birth:hihi:
  11. Some of the replies on here are just amazing. Leave the op alone you bunch of judgmental morons.
  12. Ahhhhh, so i take it you're one of these 'real women' then are you:hihi:
  13. Is this phrase just a polite way of saying fat, ugly and will never be a model or does it mean somthing else?
  14. That last comment makes you look like a cartoon vilian:hihi:
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