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Everything posted by petwar

  1. Im pretty sure either HIC or adrian flux will cover him.
  2. Lol, there are pike and plenty of other fish in there. Pike can help manage a pond by "removing" the slow and diseased fish.
  3. Believe it or not, the biggest cause of erosion on green lanes is...............................................................................................................water! I have been riding on lanes that have literally turned into streams/rivers during periods of heavy rain. Why cant everyone get along in the countryside? Its not exactly nose to tail with bikes and 4x4's on lanes is it? I agree that people who break the law and drive/ride on illegal lanes should be prosecuted but I have had arguements with walkers on legal lanes in the past, and have even been threatend with acts of violence! That was pretty funny to be honest as I was suited and booted in body armour and a helmet! I would suggest joining the trail riders fellowship.
  4. sheffield refinishing suppliers on penistone road stock it. other than that you can try ebay.
  5. I really hope you have reported this to the police. If not, how would you feel if your pride and joy was dumped in a field waiting to be fired by some little S%&T.
  6. in the past i have roughly torn papers up put them in a black bag then filled it with water. then put it in the bin. that should destroy it!
  7. perhaps in S12 all the hard work and money will last longer than 2 minutes without getting trashed?
  8. Its nice to see the council doing something productive! I wonder if they netted it before the work began? As for putting a fence round it all, are you going to pay for it? Maybe they can fit little corks to all the teeth of the pike, just incase poor little jimmy catches one!
  9. Its ridiculious, ive got a doublecab pickup for my own personal use and they say I cant tip anything without a permit, and even with one I cant go more than 6 times a year i think. Its utter stupidity!
  10. Can you P.M me details please? Do you have any restrictions on useage?
  11. At the end of the month I am going to loose my small workshop which I use to store and work on my bikes and cars. Does anyone know of anywhere up for rent? Any size, location or price!
  12. Let people believe all the bad press about bio diesel, it leaves more for me lol! Im saving a small fortune running on that stuff!
  13. i dont suppose any of the 30 classic cars was a mini?
  14. what area are you in mate? i may be interested. do you have any pics?
  15. how much for the car? although i dont really have the space so i would prefer parts.
  16. im currently rebuilding a 1978 mini and im needing a few parts to finish it off. does anyone have anything in there garages, sheds ect that may be of use to me?
  17. any ideas what size bore they are mate? i may be after one for a mini.
  18. so pindale is a LOCAL QUARRY for LOCAL PEOPLE? and we dont want any people from out of town here do we tubbs?
  19. The local people dont seem to mind it when greenlaners turn up to the local shops, petrol stations and cafes to spend their money though do they!
  20. is it any good? its the same as newark isnt it?
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