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Everything posted by JoJo72.0114

  1. Does anyone know anywhere that runs pottery classes for children? Ta
  2. RIP Ifeel for his children at what is the worst time for them
  3. Whoever heard of a Daily Star article prompting a 'serious' topical debate.......??:huh: I for one have a son who LOVES Peppa Pig but I have not found myself urged to bang on the nearest Muslim neighbours door to refute all claims to ban it!! Sense of perspective please forumers............. as other people have posted have you all READ the article?? Let us not descend into nutter rants (and descend to nutter Muslim radical's level) but demonstrate that we ARE a tolerant society where free speach is allowed, where alternate views will be tolerated but extremist, seditious attacks against our values/customs/freedoms will not.
  4. Tessa, empty your pm box. I've got some information about what could possibly be your bike. Don't want to post on the forum for obvious reasons
  5. As the boiler in question was new I'd guess that a plumber could probably just install it in somebody elses house and get the full price for it. Not suggesting of course that a plumber would steal a boiler. I can't see it being worth much as scrap however. The idiots that are doing this need locking up before they kill somebody
  6. Sounds like the spring in the mech has snapped. 10 minute job to put a new one in or if the mech has had it 20 minute job to fit a new one
  7. The majority of people on New Deal are either on ND 18-25 or ND 25 +. Perhaps you should consider getting a job yourself rather than doing voluntary work
  8. If you want to watch Asian TV you could perhaps move to an Asian country
  9. If you can get to Manchester then you could get a connection from terravision. Not used them in this country but have used them elsewhere in Europe and have always been reliable and cheap. Think they change about 6 pound each way Manchester/Liverpool
  10. you do realise that a solid sphere of this diameter is going to weigh a lot.....as in you wont be able to pick it up
  11. I may be going out on a limb here but I'm guessing you work there.
  12. never a truer word spoken............what's a laxzy freeloader by the way?
  13. For an area the size of Woodseats/Meadowhead and Norton/Lees I have always found it odd that we don't have a community centre. What do other people think - do we need one and would it imbue a greater sense of 'community'??
  14. I'm guessing here but did you forget something I know you can't post a link directly but just put a few spaces in it
  15. Does anyone know of anyone/where that recycles broken LCD'S - trying to do environmental bit before we landfill it!!
  16. Thanks but don't want to join a gym. Was after an independently run one that I can attend when I can make it
  17. Does anyone know of any yoga/pilates sessions happening in or near to S8? They all seem to be Crookes/Ecclesall side..................... and I don't want to travel that far
  18. How about, 'Marriage isn't a word....it's a sentence'
  19. does anyone know how much Kwick Fit charge to repair a tyre that has a screw stuck in it? This was due to the scrubbers at the tip being more interested in what people were dumping rather than actually brushing up!!!!!!
  20. If the vote had gone labour's way would it be a sad day for democracy? This is democracy in action - wake up and smell the coffee
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