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  1. I am visiting Japan later this year and want to learn some survival Japanese. Can anyone recommend a tutor?
  2. The FREE RADICALS, a fantastic soul and funk band are performing at Crookes Working Men's Club on Saturday 11th October to raise VITAL funds for CHILYPEP and their Young Women Against Violence Empowerment Project. Please come along to the gig and enjoy a great evening and help us raise funds for Chilypep, a local Sheffield charity and its new ‘Y-WAVE’ group, supporting young women to raise awareness about domestic and sexual abuse, and campaign for better services and support for young people affected by it. The event is taking place at Crookes Working Men's Club, Mulehouse Lane,Sheffield S10 1TD on Saturday 11th October tickets available by emailing: info@chilypep.org.uk or call 0114 2348846 http://www.chilypep.org.uk https://www.facebook.com/chilypep
  3. Hi sorry, I've only just checked this have just seen the messages - JoJo - what info do you have?
  4. Hi, Last night my bike (Kona Cinder Cone) was stolen outside my work on Mowbray Street. Its bright orange so pretty recognisable! They had cut through my lock with bolt cutters in a very busy carpark! If anyone sees one for sale anywhere please let me know. Thanks Tess
  5. Hi, I am looking at starting to play the saxophone. Does any one know of any good teachers? I'm a complete beginner although I have a musical background! thanks Tess
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