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the snowman

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Everything posted by the snowman

  1. They told my neighbour it's a burst pipe affecting S1 and S2. Its not everyone though as I'm in S2 and have water (near Norfolk park)
  2. Is it multicoloured and crossing on the steep part near the top?
  3. The police woman at the top of Granville directing out of town traffic along Holdings road has stopped now and the road is open all the way up.
  4. The Overtones tweeted this 7 hours ago:- Sorry Sheffield, enjoy your Christmas Lights but we’re sorry to say we won’t be switching them on anymore on Sunday. Hope to see you soon x
  5. What do you use for this? I'm interested in viewing a USB cam on my laptop while out the house.
  6. Thanks Mort but the idea was to have a dedicated thread for where to buy ejuice so people dont have 22 pages of arguing about the health issues to sieve through.
  7. Yeah I'm finding much cheaper stuff online and thats why I started this so we can compare and warn against any scams rather than us all making the same mistakes. I imagine there will be 10ml bottles being sold with 9ml of juice in them in some places. I also think I might try the DIY kits but wonder if I will always be playing around and never happy, but thats just how I am ;-)
  8. If you want to discuss that then feel free to start a thread for it, thats not what this thread is for and anyone wanting to read through the relevant posts will not want to also read anything spawned off by this.
  9. As vaping seems to becoming a lot more popular recently, I thought we could share info about where we get our ejuice from so we can all see whats around and the prices and recommendations. I've been vaping B and H from the Mirage shop at £5 for 10ml. I like it a lot but think there must be cheaper thats just as good. I am going to be getting some from E-Ciggie solutions on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/E-Ciggie-solutions/557704300937062) who do £10 for 40ml but haven't tried it yet.
  10. Beighton road closed both ways due to accident between sheffield road / brook lane and church lane.
  11. Just spoke to a work man who says that they have now found the problem so no more off and on. But those who are currently off could be off till the early hours.
  12. There is work going on at the top of Granville causing power interruptions. It was off for many this morning and been intermittent through the day. Currently about 30 houses on the left (on the way up) at the top are out and the traffic lights with City Road. Your laptop has a battery in it so wont just shut down. Also some houses have the trip go within their house and so the sockets are off but not the lights till they reset it.
  13. Just said on Hallam radio a man was shot. He is in hospital and his injury is not thought to be life threatening.
  14. RAC traffic says Prince of Wales road closed in both directions (near the top of City Road) due to police incident. Police directing traffic.
  15. Granville kept open but had some problems. Me and the locals spent most of the afternoon pushing cars up the road and keeping them away from the parked cars. So many people didn't know to use 2nd gear and even saw some people pushing a car down hill! I bricked up one car that wasn't stable on the breaks and called the police, made her a cup of coffee and then she wanted to help with the pushing as her car was causing some problems. Later on it had melted enough for her to drive away.
  16. 2 pics here http://outdoors.webshots.com/photo/2973164290105524493jHxMpS
  17. I got some pics as they came over the park. They were 1 min early and switched the streams off just before the park. But I managed to get a pic before this. I'll add them to a public album on web shots and post a link.
  18. No probs but just to clarify, the Fayre is on today and tomorrow but the fly over is only tomorrow. And it has just started raining here but not a lot and doesn't look like it will stay.
  19. Does anyone know what time the Red Arrows fly over is tomorrow for Sheffield Fayre at Norfolk Park?
  20. I'll see if I still have the pics of the book. I only got it for 1 night and so photographed every page. I can email it to you if I still have it. It is easy but you need to learn what fire extinguishers are for what types of fire, everything else is common sense.
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