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Everything posted by claiireee

  1. Hi, We have a male mini french lop house rabbit who needs a new home. He used to live with our female rabbit but she passed away and he doesn't seem to have recovered. Unfortunately we're not in a position to buy another one. We're looking for somewhere he can be rehomed with other rabbits, or somewhere that will give him the attention he needs if he's on his own. He lives indoors and enjoys to run about the house, although he likes wallpaper so you have to be careful! He's litter trained and has never gone to the toilet outside of his cage. If you think you can help, or would like to know more, please send me a message. Species of animal to be rehomed Mini french lop make rabbit. Rehome or Sale? Rehome. Reason for Rehome / Sale Would like him to have a friend, or somewhere he will get the attention he needs. Sale Amount Free. Location Rotherham, but can be delivered within reason. Has the Pet been in Rescue Previously? No. Can the animal be picked up and put into a basket without the risk of scratching or biting? Yes but he can wriggle. Age & Sex 3.5 year old male. Breed/ Mix Mini french lop (look it up, the name is deceiving). Colour/coat type Biscuit and white. Can the animal be groomed/handled without biting or scratching? Yes, he'll sit for a bit but then likes to hop off and explore. Live in / out Lives indoors currently. Neutered/spayed Yes. Chipped No. Any Current or Historical Health or Psychological Issues No. Temperament Friendly, enjoys strokes. Any special knowledge needed Just basic care of rabbits. General Information you can share Loves chocolate drops and treats. Thanks for reading.
  2. Hi, We got a rescue dog yesterday who is nearly two. We walked her before bed, this morning, and have just got back from a walk now and she hasn't had a wee or a poo yet. She hasn't had any accidents either. Obviously she's getting used to her new surroundings and smells so we're wondering if this is normal until she settles? She's had some water, but as of yet hasn't eaten any food we've put down for her. Thanks for any advice.
  3. I didn't notice the error in the title and didn't change it! Thanks for pointing it out though... Thanks to those who replied
  4. I was driving back from work yesterday and hit a load of traffic going from arena square roundabout towards the M1. People in cars seemed to be telly dressed up, suits, dresses etc. the bit that puzzled me was some cars seemed to have a bit of paper with a letter on and they were waving lanyards with plastic cards attached? Just curious (nosey?) to know what it was!
  5. Just because someone with dementia looses the ability to recognise privacy, it doesn't meant it shouldn't be offered.
  6. We've just had ours done at KwikFit, £221. They come with a life time guarantee, will be replaced for free as long as you have the same car. Could have got them cheaper but need the car for work so can't leave it at the garage. KwikFit has good opening times for us, and 15% off at the minute.
  7. Is this for real? I've never heard of anyone paying to get their wheelie bin cleaned. Until now!
  8. Just bringing this back to life. Did they end up buying? Just looking at Treeton myself, don't know much about the area. The new estate looks big enough to not be seen as the non local!
  9. I think you'll end up doing a lot on the day that you friend won't even realise until it's over! My bridesmaid did so much I didn't really appreciate it until the day after. She kept lipgloss and other bits in her bag and kept me looking fresh, when the bustle in my dress fell down, she was there sorting it out before I'd even noticed, she chatted to guests, helped gather people for photos, kept a tissue shoved down her bra, stopped people eating all the marshmallows and looked after the younger bridesmaids. She was fantastic and I couldn't have asked for better. Oh most importantly she helped me into my dress as my Mum was faffing
  10. When parking in B&Q Queens a Road please learn to do it properly! Counted at least 6 cars parked halfway over the lines today. Tempted to report some of them to that well known website...
  11. Hi, Just wondering if anyone out there teaches the piano, or can recommend a teacher?! For two adults Thanks, Claire
  12. Hi Isabelle, Sorry to bring up an old thread, just wondering how you're finding Deepcar? We're considering it as an area to move to.
  13. I used Mirror Mirror Bridal too, lovely ladies and they did my hair and make up perfectly!
  14. I'm really shocked to read this, I got my head piece from Choola and had a lovely experience. Even if things are going on behind the scenes, it seems they haven't communicated very well. If the owner is ill, the husband may have been better off employing, or asking current staff to contact all brides. I really hope you all get your dresses.
  15. Looked at Halfway, houses look nice, lots of newer estates, again just not sure on areas/schools. Think we need a little drive around when the nights get lighter. Thanks everyone for your replies.
  16. Is that a good enough reason to move there?!
  17. Looked at Aston, really like it but you seem to get more for your money in Wales, although houses seem slightly newer in Aston. Both areas seem to have good schools.
  18. Hi. I guess I meant supermarkets etc. We're a young couple, my husband works in Rotherham and I work in Sheffield, we're looking for somewhere inbetween. We don't have a family at the minute but will probably be thinking about that in the next few years.
  19. Just if anyone knows if it's a nice area to live/areas to avoid/schools/shops etc.
  20. Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone has any advice of Wales as an area to live? Thanks!
  21. I'm pleased you posted this too. I see green lights and green flags every year but have never known what it's for.
  22. I walked past the one on Sharrowvale Road on Saturday. It's where Fancie used to be. Does anyone know if it's owned by the same people?
  23. There's not much information in the website about what kind if gym it is? Looks intriguing though. I guess that's why they've limited the detail!
  24. I'm not sure in know of any who do that. Have you looked on eBay as some brides who have made sashes sell them after. There's also swap and sake sections on wedding forums that might be worth a look! I also looked on Etsy, but found them a bit pricey. Good luck!
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