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Jack Grey

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Everything posted by Jack Grey

  1. Biden blew up the pipeline You think your smart but you're clearly not ๐Ÿ˜‚ Take off your leftie beer goggles and wake up
  2. Where do you suggest we buy our oil and gas from? Are you the type of person who condemns capitalism on Facebook from their iPhone while sat in Starbucks?
  3. There are two sides to every story I do not support Putin or Ukraine so as a neutral I have listened to both sides But one thing is undeniable.....like COVID there are a lot of politicians and countries who will gain from the Ukraine war and lots of people will get extremely rich. I don't blame Biden because he has no idea what the hell is going on but you have to be a monumental idiot if you can't see what is really happening ๐Ÿคจ Ironically its same people who called out the wars in the middle east I guess they stick their heads in the sand when the leader is on their left side
  4. You see you keep ignoring what common sense conservatives keep telling you and you are proved wrong again and again Jacinda resigned and Nicola Krankie today If you keep ignoring us you'll lose the next UK election We are the majority
  5. The lefties wanted Trump gone and they didn't care who replaced him. I said at the time that Trump was the fly in the ointment of the political establishment. Ironic that the so called anti establishment lefties were so blinded by their hatred of a billionaire that they elected a man who had been in politics for 40 years I also said that the Democrats were part of the global industrial military complex and that they put Biden the puppet in the white house so they could start a new war...... Ukraine Well done to the so called peace loving left that you started a new war in Europe All because CNN told you that the orange man was bad You have blood on your hands and you know it
  6. ALEX JONES On How He'll Pay the $1 Billion! | Louder With Crowder
  7. Well hes going up against a local Muslim woman whos father was a steel worker so its not over yet
  8. I think he'll win because he'll get the celebrity vote from people who watch reality TV And he'll get the leftie vote because hes a trans woman
  9. Eddie Izzardโ€™s Labour Election Campaignโ€™s EMBARRASSING Launch
  10. He said that the government were โ€œputting chemicals in the water that turn the frigginโ€™ frogs gay.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜’
  11. Its all about giving yourself plenty of time Especially if your going over Woodhead or Snake Pass I always aim to get to the Airport 4 hours before departure By the time you get your bags in, go through security, have a wonder round, get some food and drinks the time flies by I always book a lounge so i can be nice and relaxed before i get on my flight
  12. Religion has been doing that for thousands of years Those TV evangelists fly around in private jets
  13. Stale Cigarettes, alcohol and coffee Most of my teachers used to go to the local pub at lunchtime and get boozed up ๐Ÿ˜
  14. Seems pointless really Those families wont see a penny of that money because he doesnt have it I think he already filed for Bankruptcy Shouldve sent him to jail
  15. Leicester ban birthday messages after prank requests calling for Brendan Rodgers to be sacked ๐Ÿ˜ Some Leicester fans decided to try and prank the club by getting their "sack Rodgers" agenda across in a rather bizarre way. One fan submitted a request to have a birthday message displayed for the name "Brenda Nout" during their home game with Crystal Palace this weekend. But they ended up being refunded their ยฃ20 payment as the club refused to comply. Another fan sent one off for "Zak Rodgers" but had the same result as Leicester attempted to quash public discontent surrounding their manager.
  16. Doesnt a King get two birthdays? The Queen did
  17. It must be horrible for you only seeing someone for the colour of their skin You should talk to someone about that
  18. Great.....she lives in Sheffield She has a real passion for communities and social justice However, i think she'll be wasted in Sheffield Centre constituency Its generally students, young couples and Guardian readers
  19. More people are going to university than ever Your hatred of the Tories blurs your judgment.......It must make you so unhappy to be angry at a boogie man that isnt there
  20. The Tories which has given away more money than in all of Labours entire history Pick your battles because you just look childish
  21. What are you talking about? Everyone in the UK gets fair crack of the whip And man many many people succeed in the UK because they work hard to achieve their dreams
  22. Then do what i do and go to Florida ๐Ÿ‘
  23. So how much money can someone have until you take it from them? Equal opportunities for all is called Capitalism The richest man in India and in the top 10 in the world is Gautam Adani who was born into poverty.....you gonna take his money too?
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