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Everything posted by SkylinePhoto

  1. Summer is over so no more parties till next year. You can go back to complaining about the weather.
  2. Scotland voted on the referendum and were a major part of the democratic process. Their vote had a huge impact on the decision regardless if it benefited the overall remain campaign. You and they have to live with the result.
  3. I thought exactly the same last night when i was watching Ban Ki-Moon on channel 4 news condemning Russia's bombing in Syria. If there is a country in the world who doesn't care what anyone thinks about them, its Russia. Russia only understands action but you cant mess with them. They do what they like and have all of Europes oil.
  4. Maybe they thought they'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone sort of thing.
  5. I was in Tesco the other day looking at the cat food and some woman just came along the aisle with her trolley and stood right in front of me. I must have been about a foot behind her staring at the back of her head. She just stood there browsing for about 20secs took a tin of cat food then walked off. For once i was absolutely speechless.
  6. It might be something to do with this story featured in The Star today about illegal cigarettes again. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/special-investigation-thousands-of-illegal-cigarettes-recovered-from-sheffield-stores-in-just-two-days-1-8149900
  7. I was driving past and they were all outside this location. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3626426,-1.4778878,3a,75y,118.7h,78.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXK7bFgRNkyIQaTFAXCgJ4Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  8. Unfortunately, i live in an apartment where the architects had the foresight of installing Economy 7 storage heaters so its either on or off for me. If you want heat you have to turn them on 12 hours before you need the heat.
  9. Repairing cobbled streets is really expensive and time consuming. Money and time we dont have.
  10. I was sat at home last night in a jumper feeling all nesh wondering if its that time of year to start putting the heating on. Has anyone else puts their heating on yet or am i just being a big wuss?
  11. Check out this website for some cool sites... http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/search/1085107/?q=SHEFFIELD&o=date
  12. Both. If it teaches them new skills and they continue to offend then we should just send them away for longer. It seems that the liberal court system seems to take the criminals welfare before the victims. We need to take a harder stance. I like Americas 3 strikes - misdemeanors/felony system
  13. Not really a punishment is it. They can still go out stealing during the day And they can still buy drugs when sat at home playing playstation.
  14. But Prison is also there to take people out of society. Its very frustrating when petty criminals get released on bail just to go out and commit more crimes. There are just some people especially burglars who are a cancer on our communities. These people should lose their freedoms.
  15. Theres an image here... https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14352570_10153823531636120_4534015435056611859_o.jpg
  16. Im not saying that he shouldn't have gone to prison but the courts are just so inconsistent. I like to watch programs like Police Interceptors and some very serious crimes are usually dealt with suspended sentences and community service. Sometimes you wonder if judges have a mandate from the government to keep prison numbers down.
  17. You can beat someone into a coma on a saturday night or steal £50,000 from a benefits scam and not get a prison sentence. Whip your trousers off and its 20 weeks in prison. WTF http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/man-who-took-his-trousers-off-in-town-centre-is-jailed-for-20-weeks-1-8130000
  18. Not so good for the elderly or people with children in prams
  19. A loop going up from the University to The Hallamshire & Children's Hospital would make a huge difference to a lot of people.
  20. I think we should split the LibDems so we have a democratic party and a liberal party like the old days. The liberals will then have a choice of where they want to be and leave the labour party to be the voice of the working classes.
  21. I would suspect that because of the gentrification of the Abbeydale Road area that landlords are either asking for higher rents from their tenants or not renewing tenancies so that they can get a higher paying tenant. Could also be that 3 business that i know of have been closed down by the council for trading in illegal alcohol & cigarettes.
  22. The Man City v Borussia Monchengladbach has just been cancelled 15mins before kick off with everyone sat in the stadium http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37356292
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