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Billy Whizz

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Everything posted by Billy Whizz

  1. Keith Chegwin As sadly passed away after a long illness. RIP.
  2. Gone, Surprise surprise undisclosed fee.
  3. Ross McCormack to score on his league debut for villa.
  4. That's great news Rossy, you've been so missed on here, keep getting stronger, and keep your pecker up. ( you know what I mean )
  5. Best wishes Rossy, A Fine forumer, and a Gentleman.
  6. Now that the takeovers taken plaice and the ray of light's reached the end of the tunnel no time for floundering now, he's saved the clubs sole will gray be having a dab in the transfer market or will the new owner be talking a load of pollacks.
  7. They should design it to bring Yorkshire and cricket back as a whole to sheffield.
  8. what hours are they actually working, 7.00am to 7.00 pm or vice versa.
  9. Didn't Barnsley have Toby Tyke, and Birmingham Beau Brummie .
  10. Ahh John hope the guy who's record for keeping clean sheets has just been broken. On the top of my head, can't recall a Wednesday goalie doing the same can you dobby.
  11. Hows them grapes taste Frankie, sour I bet.
  12. Frankie, er well you talk out of your Bottom.
  13. now why would we be bothered about a club from south Barnsley.
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