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Just Sarah

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Everything posted by Just Sarah

  1. The university dont want that shabby little hut spoiling the look of their fantabulous shiny buildings. It was only ever a matter of time
  2. Hey little man. Cant you just leave the guy alone and stop bullying him? From all the posters on here hes one of the nicest and most polite people ive ever come across and you bullying him makes you look pathetic. Grow up and be a man:rant: On another note we soooooo need a middle finger smiley for people this this. ---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 18:33 ---------- I had a teacher that perved at us and used to nickname us according to our "assets" ill not tell you what he called me but in the end he was fired for it. The problem is that the names followed most of us through school and had a nasty effect on some of the girls. I was lucky as i could stand up for myself better than some of the others but one girl tried to end it all over a nickname from a pervert teacher. Shes much better now and moved on with her life but it still comes up from time to time when we have those deep and meaningful girly chats fueled by a couple of bottle of decent wine
  3. No witnesses. But he corroborates the location of both vehicles before and after impact. He said i was in the left lane (true) and he was in the right lane (also true) [quote=julado;10084732 DID YOU TAKE PHOTOS???? No, sadly. The point of impact on my car along with the damage to his clearly shows who hit who, tie that wit the fact he admits i was in the left lane and he in the right theres little chance hes going to push the blame onto me. His defence is weak and im confident of a result.
  4. In some cultures it still is an eye for an eye, a hand for thieving, a head for more serious crime. Maybe they are on to something??
  5. I agree its a horrible thing to do to an animal. Even if the people are caught, what would happen to them? A fine and banned from keeping animals maybe? Some community service if the judge was in a bad mood? The law seems a bit soft when it comes to things like this.
  6. If its when you drive i doubt its your brakes. Do you mean when braking only or is it when you are actually driving along without your foot on the brake?
  7. Youre mum sounds like a mardy bitch. Im sorry but she does. Dont blame yourself in any way, you have done nothing wrong.
  8. My neighbour has two little girls, both keep birds, canaries i think they are. One day the neighbours cat got in and killed them all. There was blood and gunk everywhere. The neighbour wasnt interested, saying cats are classed as free spirits and if she wanted to keep the birds safe she should keep all her doors and windows closed. Cats are horrible creatures, Nasty selfish and violent animals!!
  9. Not everyone is the reincarnation of Columbo you know
  10. I heard a whisper it was a local muslim group. They apparently want to turn it into a Talivan joking aside, ill keep an eye out and pass the details onto a few friends who travel a lot. Good luck
  11. They (or someone else) were doing it again a bit later too. They hit an astra but the passenger got out and chased them. I didnt see what happened but when he came back to the car he told the driver hed given them both a good pasting so they better get moving before the police arrive lol.
  12. If they want to starve themselves then let them. They are Frances problem, not ours and their pathetic threats of going on a hunger strike should be ignored. Call their bluff and if they do mean it then so what? What use are they going to be should we let them in here? None is my guess. Just more foreign parasites scrounging off the benefits system and health service that can barely cope as it is
  13. Ive not gone to court yet. Looks like it wont happen till next year but im not defending myself. From what people on here said theres just too many pitfalls so i took some advice from here and spoke to my insurers. They are settling with me and chasing him for the money. Im also pursuing my excess from him. Right now im trying to get my baby on the road again. If you ask nicely ill take you for a drive
  14. lol.. Well i went to Oxford at the weekend, used the same road and went past the place where i had the accident. Guess what, i didnt crash. lol.
  15. :hihi: Oh lordy! Get some rest, your analogy powers seem to have let you down. Even for you this ones weak!
  16. Stay as many nights as you like just dont have your post sent there or any of the utilities in your name. If anyone asks tell them to ****off and mind their own business.
  17. Sounds like you live near a lot of thugs and morons then.
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