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Just Sarah

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Everything posted by Just Sarah

  1. We dont know what happened at all. we have one side printed in a paper thats renowned for getting things wrong and making mistakes.
  2. I voted yes even though im a dog owner and have been for years without any incident at all. However not everyone trains their dogs as well as i do.
  3. Hi Moosey. Its right here in front of me. £80 solicitors fees.
  4. Id wager the mastiffs in the attack were mistreated from an early age, abused, hurt and generally not looked after at all well. I think if you had a life like that youd come to a point in your life where youd snap! Thing is when you snap you may punch someone in the face or kick them in the head. when a dog snaps we have incidents like what happened in the Star.
  5. Very true. Ask any vet, dog groomer or dog walker, trainer of anyone who works with or knows dogs well. The little ones especially terrier breeds can be quite vicious at times. ---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 09:37 ---------- My dogs are popular with the neighbours kids too and ive left them for hours and hours playing in the garden unattended. Thats because i brought my dogs up, loved them trained them and i know them inside out.
  6. Im sure the star got all the facts bang on and was 100% honest and genuine
  7. Id want to see their face too but i guess what i and the general public want will be given second place to some superstitious hogwosh and its stupid customs.
  8. Sheffield got a mention in oner of the other papers too the other day. Apparently Sheffielders are the happiest in the country and we have the most sex. I say we, not me sadly
  9. Its NOT the dog and it IS the owner whos at fault. Ive always had big breed dogs, hunting dogs, working dogs and never in all my days have i had so much as a nibble in anger from any of them. Its certainly the owner of the dog who is the problem and not the animal.
  10. Two and a half grand hes wanting. As for the ombudsman i emailed them this morning and just waiting for a reply.
  11. Yes i notified them immediately after the crash and sent them all the other parties details too, they have involved themselves to a small degree, asking for details of the accident with a map which i provided. Then they went silent. Im ringing them today again and i going to see if digging my heels in and not getting off the phone till i speak to someone useful. Re The claim its for damage to his car and his solicitor fees. In fact ive had more contact from his solicitor (and a claims management company he must have instructed) than my own insurance company. The most recent letter they sent was saying they couldnt reach agreement with my insurers and so im going to be served and i need to pass the papers onto my insurers but with them dragging their feet so much and being generally rubbish im definitely looking to defend myself. I understand what people are saying, its going to be tough and i may well lose but i cant in all good conscience leave myself in the hands of an insurance company that cant even be arsed to return a call. ---------- Post added 20-09-2013 at 09:14 ---------- I hope you're right with that. Its clear from the damage to my car that he went into me. If what you are saying is right then i have to tell you, im a bit more confident about it now
  12. No, the claims made against my name. well its my name on the papers. Its got the other drivers name as the claimant Ive left a message for my claims advisor. r should that be another one? Now waiting on her reply.
  13. Because they a bloody useless and never respond to my emails or the six or so messages ive left. It was a one day policy not with my usual insurer but a company that does short term cover. Ive sent them (as they requested) all the info about the crash and pictures and everything and the idiots havent even been to look at my car yet! Ive heard nothing, nadda, zilch!
  14. Thank you. Thats brill advice. Im actually quite looking forward to it in a strange sort of way. I have right on my side but i accept i may lose but i feel ive got to give it a go. Im quite outspoken, super confident and a quick thinking person. Ive been to court (crown) several times before so i know they can be scary, but im hoping that my previous experiences with crown court will put me in good stead with county. Thanks again for you advice . xx
  15. Which is why im teaching myself what i want to know with research and advice from others. Thanks for your analogy, daft as it may be.
  16. Its going to be a drop in centre for refugees and asylum seekers .
  17. Sorry. I didnt make myself clear. Its not a libel case its a car crash. Someone ran into me and are claiming it was the other way around. I have a reasonable understanding of what i have to do, and im researching more info as we speak but if anyone has been to court and defended themselves it wouyld be useful to hear a few experiences, anything that may be of use to me. Thanks for your reply
  18. Im going to court soon and i plan to defend myself. The claim is basically a tissue of lies and falsehoods. I dont want to line the pocket of a solicitor so i figure why not defend myself. Does anyone have any tips or advice i may find useful on my crusade to right this wrong?
  19. It was a motor biker. I live just up the road and came out of my drive just after the accident. The rider hit a van.
  20. I did a search but found nothing. Just a heads up, mansfield road is still closed after a motorbiker and pillion came off and hit a van It looked very bad but hoping both pull through.
  21. What difference would it make if they did? I get pleasure from my job, if i didnt get pleasure i wouldnt do it. A Doctor may get pleasure from healing the sick, a traffic warden from ruining your day, so why cant a soldier get a kick out of doing the job his country has trained him to do?
  22. If he fired into twitching bodies i think he was doing them a favour. Putting the scum out of its misery. Personally id have left them to twitch a while longer. Its war for crying out loud. Not the bloody boy scouts. War is ugly and barbaric and cruel. The only way to prevent it from happening is to put an end to war.
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