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Everything posted by Scrapman_Sid

  1. most likely the same driver who told me the reason for him being 35 minutes late was because of "fog on manor" on a clear day, more like fag at fulwood
  2. what I find more annoying is when people are at ATM's and they put about 7 different bank cards in just to get the balance, or when you are stuck behind an idiot that does not know how to work them very well even though they have been around for around 30 years?
  3. yesterday I paid a £4.80 train fare to chesterfield with a £50 note which got accepted, so why would it be unacceptable to do this on the bus?
  4. one of my good friends biassed bill is a ref, will have a word with him tomorrow
  5. Chris, I would not have thought that people that shop at Morrisons would drink tall lattes, although I suppose it is same as Costa coffee in a student filled area.
  6. a cafe in crystal peaks maarket does a big fry up breakfast for a fiver, I once took my pitbullthat that would not stop barking, a lady next to me on her own helped me out by getting her 4 kids to play with the dog, was very impressed
  7. or what about this for stereotyping A student moves to a city where his rich mummy and daddy pays for his room and all fee's, thinking he will study hard an be a success only just to fail and end up working in Mcdonald's, meanwhile the student like's to go and drink in posh coffee shops talking to his 8 stone friends with his fake southern accent, and then go to tesco to buy a cheap pizza and ask if they accept a student discount.
  8. I sometimes like to visit this place after I have had a good weigh in off at the yard, I like to sit down relax with my expresso and add more to my new novel, I once spilt steaming hot coffee all over my brand new netbook, but I managed to pour most of it back into the mug so I did not waste the whole £4.26.
  9. surely would be a 4 man lift? although I have seen my co worker twok it tony left a full size mobility scooter recently, just wondering how they would have got it onto the timber rest.
  10. Chris, I presume that with the bell ringing it did not smash and is a real bell and not fibreglass?
  11. does anyone have some information of the fantastic big bell that is on display outside of the flaming grill chain "the belfry pub" in Beighton? I had a quick look around at it this morning, it is a fine piece that is rested on two very large planks of wood just at the side of the entrance, I would love to know the size and weight of this would be great if anyone knew! at the bottom of this page is a photo of it http://www.pub-explorer.com/syorks/pub/belfrybeighton.htm
  12. I would avoid the walk in Centre on west street, it will be full of students with hangovers after drinking 5 WKD's, probobly be waiting hours
  13. he does have some fine selling skills,he once sold me a skeet blanket, then sold me a knee board
  14. are you sure it's the same Joe that moved to Spain? and not just another Joe average the reason I ask is because I saw old man Joe just 3 weeks ago buying some dvd's behind his local pub from blue ray.
  15. I have never had that problem, I have many fond memory's from that place, I remember going in with my grandad who was 83 at the time and thought he was still down the the kids, he would often go around the store picking up modern hats and coats that though would suit him, I had to say to him what do you know about rocking the wolf on your nogen, what do you know about wearing a fur fox
  16. I think old man Joe used to sell bootleg playstation games on saturday mornings at the bottom of the moor in the late 90's, don't think he still does though??
  17. my uncle also drunk plenty of tea which affected his skin, uncle orange Alf used to drink up to 4 pots of tea per day, after 5 years of this he looked like tom Jones
  18. chris, he would often fill his basket with goodfellas ham and pineapple!! oh the good old days! although I think they have had a 30% price increase over the past year without increasing in size, I call that getting tripped by buisness.
  19. well Chris, I think it is the same person, I remember him telling me about a police car running over his foot while he was waiting for the bus up at halfway, strangly the police car did not stop according to bottle top bill! I have seen bill just last week in iceland at crystal peaks, as I walked past him I noticed he had a bottle of reggie reggie sauce in his basket and asked him if he likes that stuff, he turned around to me and said "no I dont, but the wife cant stand the sight of the stuff so thats why I buy it" we both had a good laugh and went our diffrent ways, if I see him again I shall refer him to this thread if he is on the internet.
  20. I remember the radio reports coming in at the time, "unidentified flying object" that had crashed on the evening of the 24th of march 199 as I recall, the day after I was talking to my friend bottle top bill (he was called that for his love of diffrent bottled beers and ales from across the uk) he told me that he had recorded 20 secends of this just as it flew over stocksbridge as we talked about how he managed to run downstair's and crabbed his camcorder, how lucky he was to get this footage and showed me this after he had it transfered to VHS, a year or two later I asked him if he still had the video tape in question of the footage, but unfortunately he had over recorded with footage of his aunt drunk at a wedding to which later he sent into "youve been framed", I then asked him why he did not keep this safe but then he reminded me that the week before the wedding he asked me if I knew of a place that sold good quality blank video tapes in the city centre, but I had one too many cans of skol that night so could not give him some good advice on where to go ---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 22:57 ---------- I remember the radio reports coming in at the time, "unidentified flying object" that had crashed on the evening of the 24th of march 1997 as I recall, the day after I was talking to my friend bottle top bill (he was called that for his love of different bottled beers and ales from across the uk) he told me that he had recorded 20 seconds of this just as it flew over stocksbridge as we talked about how he managed to run downstair's and crabbed his camcorder, how lucky he was to get this footage and showed me this after he had it transferd to VHS, a year or two later I asked him if he still had the video tape in question of the footage, but unfortunately he had over recorded with footage of his aunt drunk at a wedding to which later he sent into "youve been framed", I then asked him why he did not keep this safe but then he reminded me that the week before the wedding he asked me if I knew of a place that sold good quality blank video tapes in the city centre, but I had one too many cans of skol that night so could not give him some good advice on where to go
  21. let me know if this does crash and the location of the crash please
  22. I had some of these in my van the other day, crawling all over a wheelchair, I had to use some ant repellent spray and thankfully I have not seen them since.
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