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Everything posted by sarah_s

  1. Sometimes an early night with an old dirty magazine can be nice, I got a few Just 17 Mags from many years back and read through them. Sometimes nice to go back to your youth. Right Said Fred I'm too sexy:love::love:
  2. Our psychic budgie has predicted a 6 - 2 win for Wednesday. Not too sure about that one. He has predicted a win for the owls, not sure if the score is right though
  3. I understand the political class needed to increase the value of homes and so to do this they knocked down homes to create demand and so the prices would go up
  4. I got one and I love it, I wore it when the in laws came around. The other option was to be naked
  5. I think the majority of the clubbers or nightclub revellers are young (as in under 25), want to get drunk and in some cases want to have a fight and so the nightclubs and bars do all they can to cater for this. Over 40s tend not to go to nightclubs, bars and so I guess this is a minority target audience. I guess in Leeds there is a thriving commerce and so plenty of the over 40s have plenty of spare cash and so bar owners will cater for this. In Sheffield its athriving Job Seekers allowance city and so any over 40s will tend to be desperatly keeping a roof over their head. In a commerce city (manchester leeds etc...) over 40s are worrying about which colour porche to buy (shall we have the red one or the black one?) in Sheffield, over 40s are worrying about more pressing matters. Also, have you seen the amount of over 40s sleeping rough in Sheffield?
  6. There isn't much leg room if you are taller than 5ft 3, can be a bit tight. As your only in there for a couple of hours (with the interval - so your only sat for an hour at most), the chances of dying from deep vein thrombosis would be very slim during the show.
  7. the staff are unlikely to know, they are paid to do and not paid to think. if you were to ask "why is there not petrol?" they would reply "ug ug ug" By petrol elsewhere
  8. Not everyone is celebrating christmas. Our neighbour's dog has just died, and to top it off my neighbour has also lost his job. He now has no money and instead of having a turkey for christmas, the dog will be his christmas dinner. Not everyone is happy this christmas, we would invite him around for dinner but as he is suffering from depression, is likely to spoil our christmas. As we said to him, its only one day and everything goes back to normal the following day, he can even buy a new puppy on boxing day
  9. Psychic Budgie has predicted a 3 - 1 for Charlton. We put 12 balls (2 sets labelled one to 6) and he knocked the number 3 for Charlton and walked into number 1 for Sheff Wed. See how accurate he is today
  10. Any job where you can easily be replaced, van drivers, factory workers, warehouse staff admin staff, even in many cases supervisory roles. At the end of the day, if you sack one person, there will be a queue of 50 people desperate for the money. I can remember in the 90s I ask if there were any training opportunitys at a company in Sheffield to be told by the boss "why do I need to train you when I can put an advert in the local press, pay rubbish wages and have a queue of 50 people desperate to get off the dole"
  11. You should always give the waiters a tip as it helps them do their job. Having said that we did tell one young waiter that his fly was undone (bear in mind it was a womens night out), which caused him to drop all the food :hihi: His fly wasn't undone, but it was funny
  12. If you like fat, swearing, jeremy kyle, tattooed types, then the city centre was the place to be. We went to eccy road and paid top prices to be confronted by fat, swearing, jeremy kyle, tattooed types. It just shows, the higher the price does not mean a better standard of person SO we gave up and went to Hillsborough and had some cheaper booze in the process.
  13. The world has ended, and it ended at 11.15am. You are actually dead. When you die, your brain releases a chemical (its the rf4o@ chemical) which tricks you into believing that you are still alive. At 11.30am I was driving down the M1 near junction 33 and although I believed that I was in my car driving on the M1, I wasn't What about the other cars on the road? you ask. Well they are triggered by my own memory so although I believe there are other cars driving on the M1, those cars did not exist. So you are dead
  14. What do people do about refunds? I have paid £50,000 for a Tortoise called Frank who was God and was going to save me from the doomsday when it happened. The person who sold me Frank, I can't get in contact with him. I have a feeling I have just been sold a common everyday Tortoise, and in fact Frank is not God. The person selling me Frank said if you ask him "are you God?" Frank won't say anything and by not denying he is god, means he is actually god
  15. Not if you keep employing different staff every few months. If you do that, people have no rights ---------- Post added 20-12-2012 at 20:01 ---------- People want jobs, so they work. No work = no pay
  16. Why should bus companies run for your convenience. Sorry to say, but as bus companies are funded via taxes, I guess they can do as they please.
  17. Something is going to happen, this is not a hoax. Today, one of the neighbours dogs (an Alsation) is barking at all passers by, he is warning them of impending doom, the dog is saying "save yourselves" I have paid £50,000 to be one of those people who will be taken away by a whirlwind, carried into the sky and dropped in Canada, which will be the only safe place to be. The man who sold the ticked said "dogs would bark frantically at passers by" warning them. He also said, 2 months before (October 2012) that you would see huge groups of birds flying around in the sky and their language saying "lets get away", In Octover large flocks of birds did gather in the sky and they have now fled. A cat was hiding under a car this morning, why was the cat under the car? the cat knows something. This is serious, when I am in Canada and being served food and drink by the polar bears - the polar bears will act as servants, you won't be laughing when you are all dead
  18. Employ temps. Then they don't have access to sick pay or holiday pay, just put them on a 3 week contract and keep renewing it
  19. If your photos are of your staning on Blackpool Pier with fish and chips, then who is going to be bothered about your picture. If you went on a camping holiday and you were making your way to the lake for a swim, however as you made your way to the lake you happened to be walking past a flock of sheep, and you were wearing only your pants then clearly a photo like this could be taken in the wrong context. You may well have been making your way to the lake for a swim, but innocent snaps could be taken dangerously out of context
  20. If you are having a nice christmas, then remember, the following 3 weeks won't be fun for everyone, fo example People suffering from a messy devorce and soon to lose their home People living on their own, because there single People suffering from the vomiting virus, especially those who have diorhea as well - its a dilema working out which end to put over the toilet and deciding if you want to poo or vomit on the bathroom floor People being captured by Islamic rebels in the middle east who are suffering torture People whos homes have been bombed in an air raid People who have recieved a redundancy notice and are going to be in financial dire straights come the new year People who have discovered their husband or wife in bed with someone else People who have been kicked out of their home, despite the fact it was them who got cheated on People who have been given a bill from the CSA for back pay for the past 18 years So not everyone is having a good time
  21. 45 days is a hell of a long time and is still generous. In my younger days I was sacked at a moments notice, and when working for agencies in 90s you had to ring up one day for hours the next day (if any). I'm not sure if this is the case still. I'm now self employed with a few workers, and if they are not up to the job they get booted onto the dole. 45 days is still 6 weeks to find yourself another job. If you choose to sit there waiting for your end then more fool you, people these days need a bit of backbone, the time for mollycuddling is in the past. Yes, its been done to me when I was younger (instant sackings), it keeps you on your toes. When I was younger, the male staff (trainees) would get a clip around the ear if they did not work fast enough ---------- Post added 18-12-2012 at 21:33 ---------- Get rid of the poor staff. 45 days is long enough to search for another job
  22. Its 3 weeks away, armagedon. A work colleague has been paying direct debits to a man in Uganda who has direct contact with god. When judgement day comes the world will be destroyed by the king of terror, who appears from the clouds on a charriot and sets fire to the whole world ( I assume the RAF will shoot this idiot down if this happens). Anyway, the man from Uganda, if you pay £30 a month, the man from Uganda gives the addresses of all the payees, and then God sends down a whirlwind to the peoples houses and picks them up, the whirlwind then takes these people to the only safe area in Canada that will be unaffected by the armageddon. Problem is, we can't get hold of the man from Uganda, as when we text him he replys saying "sorry, I can't help as I died last week". I have a feeling one or two people have been fleeced. Apparently God has got a villa in Cormwall, anyone know the address for this?
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