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Everything posted by biggsy

  1. hmmmm, how the hell did i post this thread twice????:confused::confused: john:)
  2. hello all i got fed up with using a compact digicam so i bought a D40, these pics were only taken on auto (which i s'ppose anyone can do) here we're slagging a 90tonne ladle (emptying the ladle of the remaining molten steel and slag) and whilst the first two images could be hades, this one is a little more heavenly:D a pic from our back bedroom window:) i'll have to get around to playing with the sttings on the camera:) john:) ps,i have been messing with close up lenses and extension tubes, when using the tubes, there are no contacts and so have no control over aperture, anyone know a way to get round this or will i have to buy the expensive (kenko?) ones???
  3. hello all i got fed up with using a compact digicam so i bought a D40, these pics were only taken on auto (which i s'ppose anyone can do) the pics are fairly dark as it's a big dirty ole foundry that is quiet dark at the best of times.... here we're slagging a 90tonne ladle (emtying the ladle of the remaining molten steel and slag) and whilst the first two images could be hades, this one is a little more heavenly:D a pic from our back bedroom window:) i'll have to get around to playing with the sttings on the camera:) john:) ps,i have been messing with close up lenses and extension tubes, when using the tubes, there are no contacts and so have no control over aperture, anyone know a way to get round this or will i have to buy the expensive (kenko?) ones???
  4. why would they talk to forgemasters when it's nothing to do with them??? it seems we get the blame for all sorts:rant: john.....
  5. this noise has nothing to do with forgemasters, i work there, the noise of the steam hammers comes (funnily enough!) from the stamp shop which is a completely different company all together and hasn't been part of forgemasters for years. i don't remember the name of the stampshop (it's changed so many times in the last twenty years or so!!!) regards, john:)
  6. if it's attracting rats then it needs stopping, or mebbe all the antis wouldn't mind if they were caught and sent to live with them:hihi::hihi: john:D
  7. i'd say not with all the rain we've had today:( john:)
  8. darn, i forgot to say your pics are great cyclone:cool::cool: john:)
  9. i tried opening a pub on the moon- it closed down after a week, there was no atmosphere ahl get mi coyt:hihi: john:D:D
  10. flippin'eck, i had a tv200 around 35years ago:shocked: i still have a manual for the lambretta somewhere but haven't seen it in years:( regards, john:)
  11. CARBOOT MEGA THREAD??? i've searched for it and when i found a link to it, i was told i didn't have access to it:( has it been scrapped?? john:suspect:
  12. that's a heartwarming story geckoqueen, just one little piece of advice (and you can tell me to sling my hook if you want:hihi:), you have the 'e' and 'o' the wrong way around in phoenix (jeeez, i'm a right pedantic so and so:help:) may as well get the spelling correct:D:D regards, john:)
  13. aye, it's a bu**er when that happens:( i once went fishing to aston ponds, reversed into the last parking space which was about two feet high in grass- crunch!!, there was a stone pillar about eighteen inches high in the middle, it smashed the skirt off my customised mk4 cortina:mad: john:)
  14. phylis i have some pieces of copper pipe at around one and a half inches diameter that you may be able to put in your rubber hose and put two jubilee clips on:) if you think you can use some, pm me for my address:) john:)
  15. well, the wife phoned the bank and they said that the only time a recorded message is used is when they are trying to retrieve a debt but as we aren't in debt it can't be that, he also said that they weren't trying to contact us for anything else either. we just had the same call again and afterwards, i phoned 1471 and actually got a phone number that began with the code 0113 so it sounds fairly local. i guess the next step is to get in touch with the phone company and maybe the police. john:)
  16. hey up i've not spoken to my bank as yet, i'm presuming that if it's a scammer, they won't be able to do anything without details (which obviously i won't supply) apparently the wife says we've had five such calls in a week:suspect: she's going to contact the bank tomorrow and see whether they know anything about it.... strange no one else has had the calls bu my son has (he doesn't live here:confused:) john:) thanks for the replies (even the daft 'uns that have disappeared:D)
  17. can anyone say what happened to all the replies????????? john:confused:
  18. hey up all for the last couple of weeks we've been getting phone calls from (supposedly) our bank, it sounds like a recording but with my full name inserted, my son who has a different bank is getting the same calls now. anyone on here getting these calls? are they some kind of scam? it says, press 1 to confirm (who i am) i suppose it would be best to get in touch with my bank and ask if they are aware of these calls.... john:)
  19. thanks marie, i hope to pay a visit when the time comes;) thanks, john:)
  20. hello mj could you let on where the venue is please (don't know where whirlow hall farm is) i would love to attend but don't have a classic car good enough to enter:( also, will you be posting a reminder closer to the actual date of the event (memory like a seive:blush:) cheers, john:)
  21. often wondered that myself it could be something to do with being very high, it would provide a good head for delivering it to houses below (good water pressure) john
  22. damn!!, i've got cramp in my belly from laughing at that, in fact i'm almost crying onto my keyboard:D:D:D i presume that the squirrel got the shock of his life but wouldn't have been harmed, they're like cats, always land on their feet, i once saw two squirrels up my oak tree, the male was after making whoopee, she wasn't having any of it and hung upside down from a branch, he still tried and slipped straight off and fell about twenty feet (onto grass), he looked a bit peeed off but ran straight back up the tree but she'd made good her escape (and was probably laughing her socks of:hihi:) john:D
  23. i don't think that animals have to carry disease to be classed as vermin, after all, humans carry many diseases, to be classed as vermin the animals have to destroy crops, property etc.. hmmm maybe we should be classed as vermin i think someone has already posted a link to defra, there should be guidence there as they are the agency for the control of vermin. john:)
  24. as stated earlier, if a squirrel is caught live in a trap, it's an offence to release it alive, they are classed as vermin and it is legal to hunt them, in fact at one time, a bounty was paid for squirrel tails by (i think) the council. my next door neighbour had a squirrel in his roofspace (he's well over 80 years old)and had the hole covered up by a well known roofing company, the bloody thing is back in after chewing through what looked like upvc that the hole was covered with. a dentist friend had them in his roofspace, they caused £2,500 of damage, i would say they were anything but innocent and when the 'do-gooders' suffer the same large repair bill, they'll probably think that these cute tree rats with nice bushy tails are not quiet so innocent after all. john:)
  25. this is our huckle ( passed away one month ago), she loved to climb into carrier bags and would let you pick her up in them:D she often got inside and, as in this pic get her head through the handle:hihi: http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/johnbaz/PICT8011.jpg john:)
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