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Everything posted by code_eye

  1. That is right his name is Gary and he is a really nice guy, A service I worked for did give him support and a bed but the harsh reality is that he was/is unable to manage or implement any of his issues like budgeting and benefits, So its probable that he may not even be on benefits. Shame really as he is a nice guy with a very difficult past but it was very hard to get him to engage in any saupport we offered at that time, Its actually good that I still see him in his spot because then it puts my mind at rest that he is atleast ok and still surviving, Luckily now in Sheffield for the winter months there will be an outreach team approaching people in this situation and offering them a warm place for the night. A simple hello or acknowledgment would be a nice gesture as he is a quiet man.
  2. DJH isnt what it used to be but it will be good to have Bill up for this, I will definately be there, hoping he lets loose. Good booking, enjoyed every time been to this DLS.
  3. Dont walk down Fargate either because those Shelter people really do get on my nerves, Wouild much rather be approaced by an homeless person with issues. The high rises at the top near the roundabout consist of interim accomodation, as is the same area opposite to the cathedral. Ben's Place is a drop in centre which offers very good services to the vulnerable as does the Archer Project. There are designated chemist's in the centre which give out methadone, Boots pharmacy - West St been one of those.
  4. Nice bit of promo Isn't it free entry anyway before midnight ???
  5. 11pm, 12/1am is absolutely fine for me these days and find venturing anywhere which is open longer just full of lost souls and stragglers. Moved to Sheffield over 10 years ago and have noticed a rapid decline in the nightlife and decent venues, The clubbing scene was of a good variety but now there doesn't seem to much on offer, except a warehouse party every now and then.
  6. You would have to be positioned in the main area namely West St to even stand a good chance. Bars on West st are struggling or have shut already, Again this is more aimed at a particular crowd and I can see the appeal if I was out with lots of friends, Like sharing fishbowls when abroad. With the summer break the city centre seems empty once the students have gone. So there is another hurdle and think this will also contribute to more places shutting down this year unfortunately. I could see it working as a tasting environment for different spirits or liquers, a bit connoissuer's feel about the evening.
  7. It's probably in order to pay for those that stand actually at a bus stop basically hassling you for your fare before you even get on a bus, How silly, " I wouldn't be stood at a bloody bus stop if I didn't need to catch a bus " HELLO....
  8. A very top gentleman, definately attending this soiree.
  9. Had many a great night in there and did notice the decline but then same can be said for most of Sheffield nightlife. Never bothered with downstairs though.
  10. There was also an incident earlier today just before the new Tesco, Attercliffe rd, High speed and unmarked police and an ambulance pulled a white Seat Leon. Could only see passsenger who was alone in the Leon, Looked a bit major considering a road side stop.
  11. Correct but I can imagine that there will be a fair few that will bypass this law regardless of the risk. Sorry to hear about your despicable misfortune. They could have called round to ours and I would have gladly let them take ours.
  12. There is a place in the centre which offers cash loans on mobiles and sure they buy but cant see you getting close to 200 if selling to most shops as they will use ebay as a guide and want to make a profit, Your best bet is private but there are that many for sale.
  13. I will remember this when they require information off me, Shocking, News to me too when turned up @ Attercliffe station to find it had shut for the day.
  14. As mentioned differing taste from one person to the next, In the city centre I like the Devonshire Cat, there is a nice litle pub opposite Lescar, Hunters Bar Again depends on what day and time of day, Well worth the drive out to the outskirts for some nice pubs too.
  15. Yes sorry to hear this, Seems wherever you go you always have to be on your guard and there is no excuse for soaking you in beer, but then i didnt see you act, (joke)
  16. TBH I have the exact same problem at Castle market on the fruit/veg stall, pesky pensioners handling the fruit then putting it back and taking forever to decide what they want. and I only usually pop in for an apple
  17. I moved to Sheffield 12 years ago and was a rsident Dj at a pub called The Sanctuary in front of Campo Lane, at the time Campo lane seemed very vibrant and there was some decent bars and pubs, like Wig and Pen. Since having a walk into town via Campo Lane I noticed there was not much happening and the bars had gone. Admittingly the top end has some nice places to eat but it just seems that this area is in decline. shame as feel its a great part of the city.
  18. Its done to local council cuts, He now works at Granellis
  19. I believe its improved a hell of a lot of late, as said flat roofed boxes but decent sized council houses. with most areas there is good and bad,
  20. worked on many independent films when doing camera work in sheffield @ SIF. was a great experience and met some great people and the wrap parties were superb
  21. Open a savings account, most banks offer this service
  22. This is no worse than the queues @ Macdonalds in the foodhall, Understand what your saying but surely there are other places you can visit to play with apple products, otherwise visit during school times
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