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Everything posted by rodnreeluk

  1. There's nothing wrong with naming waters. If someone is inexperienced they need to be put on the right waters so experienced anglers can show them how to go on and land/handle fish correctly. If a novice is not allowed to gain experience he will remain a novice. Also, I think the main reason for secrecy is selfishness. ie: Someone knows a good water but wants to keep it within his own circle.
  2. Any fee would be useless and nothing more than a money raising excuse. A fee would only penalise the good owners and achieve nothing. Bad, irresponsible owners would ignore it anyway.
  3. Don't know if the info is upto date, but seems so: http://www.go-fish.co.uk/venue_3199.htm
  4. Got my renewal letter early in February. The payment (direct debit) went out of my bank account last week.
  5. I think he's a prat and should concentrate on his own driving/cycling, not causing a distraction to other road users.
  6. And they don't pay a licence fee! Something wrong somewhere - we pay the government for our sport but are asked to pay again for protection against those who pay the government nothing!
  7. It's political correctness gone mad - they are afraid of upsetting "the community". I am certainly NOT racist or anti-muslim but strongly believe one thing: If someone chooses to live in this country they should abide by this county's ways and laws. Our culture and laws should not be changed simply to accommodate others. If someone wishes to live a different way of life surely they would also choose a country which has their preferred way of life. We demonise all asians/muslims for the sins of a few. Most simply want to get on with their lives in a decent manner and do adjust to our laws. It is just a pity that the vast majority are not more vocal in decrying the few.
  8. I fully agree. I am a carp angler and usually use 2 rods. If I was on a venue that allowed 3 rods (most I go to have a 2 rod limit) and wanted to use 3 rods, I would willingly stump up the extra tenner. When you consider that it would last for a year it would be a bargain, and possibly boost the E.A.'s coffers.
  9. Thanks. I've been considering joining for some time. I think you've just decided me.
  10. That's good to know. Thanks for the info. Is what you say also true when night fishing?
  11. If you've lived in Sheffield 20 years and still find it difficult to meet people it sounds like the problem is yours, not Sheffielders. Make an effort to go out a bit, go to different places. pubs, clubs, etc, join an activity group like hiking or football, go to your local tennants & residents association meetings, go to church (if that is your thing). The list is endless. It appears you are the insular one.
  12. The problem with the government, or its nominees, acting as censors is that they can censor out what they don't want us to know, ie: their own misdeeds.
  13. The question isn't really whether or not some things should be censored - they most certainly should, but who makes the decision? Everyone has their own likes and dislikes and different views of things. How can anyone suit such a broad spectrum?
  14. Very true! I can't see the argument and certainly can't see anything offensive about a woman breastfeeding her baby.
  15. What's the point? If you like a drink why deny yourself that bit of pleasure. All things in moderation.
  16. Bit of a difference between those two views. How do you reconcile them? I assume this is guesswork or opinion. If not I would be interested in seeing where the facts are published.
  17. I've got absolutely no interest in responding to wind-up merchant trolls like you. Get a life.
  18. I'm glad you got a good result and hope the council's actions solve the problem for the future. Nicely done.
  19. Trying to change the argument doesn't help. There is a big difference between putting a fag out on a wall and the OP's complaint (Ive just had some dirty get let his vile animal empty its guts right at the top of my drive and slap bang in the middle of a public path. The filthy pig just stood and watched it do it. He then walked off.) Right is right and wrong is wrong and all your twisting and trivialising won't change that. One day a few drunks might come and puke up all over your property. I suspect your reaction might be somewhat different when the inconsideration of others affects you personally.
  20. I agree. If you've got cctv it should be sufficient and the police and council should act on it. No User Name seems to think the police should be able to pick and choose what they respond to. I don't - I think they should do the job they are paid for. If a report is made of a law being broken they should get off their arses and act on it, whether they consider it trivial or not, especially when evidence such as yours is available. It should make their job a doddle. Many years ago I was told by a trainee barrister that there are only two types of crime the police are interested in: The ones that are easy and the ones they can't avoid. Your complaint should fit into the "easy" category. (Unless they are too idle). Good luck. I hope you get a satisfactory result.
  21. Just expecting people to do the job they are paid for .....
  22. I thought the police employed DETECTIVES - They could do a bit of detecting. If they know the face, the dog and the area he walks the dog - shouldn't be too difficult to call in one or two local shops and pubs and ask if anyone knows him.
  23. Jumping to conclusions again. Obviously you are one of those who thinks your view is the only view, so it is pointless continuing this discussion with you. Have a nice (blinkered) life.
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