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Mr Hinks

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About Mr Hinks

  • Birthday 25/07/1952

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  • Location
    South Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Don't really have any hobbies, if I'm not fishing I tie rigs.
  • Occupation
    Early retired decorator

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  1. The snake lake, I.E. pond five is indeed KJS owned.
  2. I went to KJS for an hour or two I expected a few carp, I did catch some stockies. None of the old worriers that were there the last time I fished there. I was happy enough catching the roach that are still there. One a bung on hemp. The snake lake pond 5 was plenty tidy enough, there was weed in most pegs which suggests there is a shortage of carp, plenty of roach to catch.
  3. My fishing of late has been either corn or maggot with no feed, the fish have been a little slow to start. Mornings have been a waste of time all fish have been from mid day. No islands, fishing in open water casting around until fish are located with liners. ounce the fish have been found a few bites come.
  4. It is still blowing today but rather mild. Still a little too much for me at my age and my health. I could do with the wind being a little less blowy. Are the fish accepting a bit of feed or are you fishing with no feed.
  5. A good choice Charlie too wet in the cold is not good. The 18 was diabolical, it was too much for me I stayed in the warm. Did you catch or was it a waste of time.
  6. How many fished yesterday the 18th in the winds. 😈
  7. Carp just love red maggots, I now only use whites if I go down the maggot route. At the moment I'm fishing K Waters I fish bomb and pellet, my long layoff through shielding has sort of knocked my mojo. Whilst I'm getting a few carp, a total of nine yesterday from Eves. I know from previous years that nine fish is not good enough for me. I can not manage bigger fish up to around 8lb is OK for me to cope with. Any bigger is a struggle.
  8. I used to prefer Springs I had a season ticket for years, what put me off was that Ken started moving fish around. I fished the pond 5 and pond 2 I really enjoyed my time spent there. I then moved to Kiveton Waters. My problem there was that the owners "British waterways" removed the roach from Roses, I have not fished Roses since then. Alex dis take carp from the Split around 80 fish from ten pound to over 20 pound. Fish that he took out I class as tackle breakers. I certainly have no inclination to hook such beasts. They were put into Lily for as you say the campers. I will have to try Springs again, I much preferred to fish the tiny 4.
  9. You can speak how ever you like, we all talk rubbish at times. Aston Park really does fish well, there are more than enough anglers that do well up there. I was at KW yesterday and the pond I was on filled up as the morning went on. All the fish have grown on they are getting too big for me. Only around 4 or 5 pounds but my tackle is not really strong enough for carp. Next week I will fish for skimmers for a change.
  10. I have know of Horseshoe, never fished there. I prefer to pick a venue and to solely fish that one venue. I can imagine carp anglers are crazy. I prefer silverfish. At the moment I like Kiveton Waters next year who knows.
  11. Sorry about my little quip Pres. Truthfully lily is probably the worst pond on the venue for me. Those that call themselves "carp anglers" are to blame for the poor at times fishing. They fill the swim in with their spods full of food to attract carp. I have a concern that carp back away from big piles of bait on commercials especially. Fish on waters where carp get caught on a regular basis need feeding more carefully. Carp on syndicate waters may need large beds of feed to get fish in the swim, our commercials fish better if feeding sparingly. In short big piles of bait work counter productive. A nice example was the lockdown. For one reason or another Kiveton Waters had every peg taken, bites were hard to come by. Now folk are back at work normality has resumed.
  12. Baring in mind I do not fish at Aston Park now or Aston springs. Aston Park is by far the better venue all round. Your facts are a little down to the venue you prefer, if you believe that Springs has the better fishing then I can not agree. OK you have made your choice as misguided as it is. You have already mentioned the facilities are better. The fishing is excellent at Aston Park, whilst you prefer A Springs I'm sorry you will never convince me. Truthfully Aston Park is tricky to fish because the fish get fished for a lot more than the fish at Springs, get in the know and the fishing can not be bettered. I suggest you have one or two lessons from the chaps at Aston Park, they will show you how to go on if you ask them nicely. No need to lose your rag it is only a suggestion.
  13. Charlie, we have a couple of days booked at Rosedale. I had a look at North Yorkshire Water park but decided against that because of the rules. They insist you have to have a 36" landng net. They are mental! You could catch a tiger in a 36" net. Thank you Charlie. I'll let you know how we get on.
  14. Thanks Charlie. I t will make a change,
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