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How to end a six month relationship without hurting him too badly.

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Don't worry peeps, I'm not dumping my little love monkey. My friend has come to a point in her relationship where she feels they need to part ways, however he is desperately in love with her. He has 2 children and wants her to become their second mum, she doesn't want this and has explained it no end of times. He is a lovely guy but just wrong for her, he wants the little woman to build a nest with and as she only came out of her marriage a short while ago she wants to spread her wings for a while and discover herself. What should she do? He involved his kids very early on without her permission or prior knowledge and now she feels like she's letting down a whole family.

Please can anybody offer some words of advice?

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Well I've never been in this situation but what I do know is that if she lets herself can dragged further into a relationship that she doesn't want she'll end up hating him and probably hating herself. Best thing is to be honest but to let the guy down gently explain that its just too soon for her to get bogged down into a heavy relationship. Don't bring kids into it or it gets too personal. At least this way they might be able to part friends. Although he loves her if she doesn't feel the same it'll never work cos she'll always feel resentful. Good luck to her but she's only got one life!

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It's not you it's me.

We want different things.

I'm gay.

You just don't have the girth.


Seriously though, He's moved the goal posts by involving the kids a bit sooner than ideal and should have allowed things to go at a reasonable pace rather than lining up a ready made Mum.

It's not gonna be pretty so I suggest using any of the above ...... I quite like 'I'm gay'. There's nothing like wondering if you turned a girl towards the other team :hihi:

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It's not you it's me.

We want different things.

I'm gay.

You just don't have the girth.


Seriously though, He's moved the goal posts by involving the kids a bit sooner than ideal and should have allowed things to go at a reasonable pace rather than lining up a ready made Mum.

It's not gonna be pretty so I suggest using any of the above ...... I quite like 'I'm gay'. There's nothing like wondering if you turned a girl towards the other team :hihi:


You've made her laugh, thats good. she say's she'll try the gay thing:hihi:

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I have been on receiving end a few times so I probably can give a few lines that I have received lol.


I was thinking that you and love monkey were parting ways :(


No danger of thet happening any time soon, thankfully:D


You deserve better you cheeky chappy you:D

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There is no way to do it without hurting him really badly if he's as in love with her as he seems to be.


I would recommend that she is honest and tells him that the relationship is not what she wants, and then makes sure that she leaves him with no shreds or half-promises to hang on to- it will only be worse if she's not emphatic and positive in her assertion to him.

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