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Rebels put on hold.


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You may not even have to do stuff for students, if the night you put on is good then the students will come whether it is geared up for them or not. In fact I knew some students that wouldn't go to student nights as they thought it all too cheesy and tacky.


We were wondering about midweek rock stuff as the *cough* older *cough* crowd don't seem to go out clubbing much and even Corp has cheese on weeknights.


I do like some cheese but not in vast quantities! :hihi:

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We were wondering about midweek rock stuff as the *cough* older *cough* crowd don't seem to go out clubbing much and even Corp has cheese on weeknights.


I do like some cheese but not in vast quantities! :hihi:


Y'know I think this might be your problem, you're re-opening the Rebels night, which only the older generation remember.


So you're literally opening a night club for people who don't really go nightclubbing.


I'm not trying to drag it down, I welcome more rock nights, but do you see where I'm coming from?

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Y'know I think this might be your problem, you're re-opening the Rebels night, which only the older generation remember.


So you're literally opening a night club for people who don't really go nightclubbing.


I'm not trying to drag it down, I welcome more rock nights, but do you see where I'm coming from?


Definitely and it's a good point. Myself and Mad Dog only took over DJing after the name had been relaunched so there wasn't anything we could do apart from support the guys who run the venue who were brilliant throughout, despite it not being a genre they were familiar with.


We'll certainly take the name into account when we start afresh! :)

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I dont necessarily agree that no older rockers go clubbing I know a lot who given the right night club and the right mix of old and new would definately be up for clubbing. I myself am no spring chicken and remember the Penthouse but I still like a late night out at weekends. A lot of older rockers dont go out in the week due to being parents which sort of dampens your social life somewhat!


I do think as has been mentioned above a lot of people I have spoken togave the reason they didnt like the last Rebels was the lack of draught beer etc

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RE: Students - I'm on the RockSoc committee for Sheffield Uni this year and as I mentioned, we'd be delighted to support an alternative to Corp.

Some students might not be here all year (a surprising number are, but admittedly its not the majority) but we more than make up for that in spending on nights out. You've admitted that the older generation don't go out to clubs that much; if the students are only there for half the time but spend three times as much you're still onto a winner.

I personally don't think it was the lack of draught beer that failed to bring in punters, it was the lack of publicity. I know its frustrating to hear people say this when you've been working hard at it but the fact is that 95% of your target clientele hadn't even heard of Rebels when it was open. Is it any surprise that they 'went to Corp like sheep anyway.' And like I said before - opening at 11 is a bad idea...most people are in Corp anyway then, especially on a weeknight. Free entry before 11? Targeted promotion in the Dev Cat on Saturday nights and The Nelson?

When I went, I loved the music and how friendly the DJs were. If you get people in the door, they'll come back, of that I'm certain.

Could you please keep me informed as to your reopening date - we might be able to get a Freshers Week event down there if we're given enough notice. And even if we can't, we'll still do our bit to promote you; god knows we need an alternative to Corp.

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The Dove and Rainbow is keen to support any rock nights in Sheffield, be they Corporation, Casbah, or indeed anywhere else....Variety and choice is always a good thing because it enhances & extends the 'circuit' for this genre, which can only be ultimately positive for the growth of the rock population.


ROCK ON SHEFFIELD!!! We have always had a healthy and flourishing rock scene here, save for a few blips between the end of Rebels in 94 and the birth of DROP and RESERVOIR ROCKS (all forerunners to the creation of Corporation in 97). Thanks to the developments in the rock scene here we have a healthy and thriving rock 'population', certainly compared to some cities with poor rock nightlife where rockers are extremely rare sights indeed.


At the moment,already we have 3 good rock clubnights at the Corp (MOn/Fri/Sat) which is more than many towns/cities have, plus additional offerings by the Casbah although I am a bit out of touch with what they are doing at the moment. Indeed its a healthy rock scene here with room to grow....and ANYTHING that is new that is not dance music and the mainstream has got to be good news!!

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That's a good point actually...don't all the be-mulleted/bald *cough*older*cough* generation all go to Cas(h)bah in the midweek?


Not been to Casbah for ages as it was changing hands a lot and no one seemed to know what was going on.....the people you speak of, be-mulleted/baldies, etc, used to go down at weekends, but what or who goes down now I have yet to find out. Have to check it out soon I think in case I am missing something......

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