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Rebels put on hold.


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  • 4 weeks later...
The Dove and Rainbow is keen to support any rock nights in Sheffield, be they Corporation, Casbah, or indeed anywhere else....Variety and choice is always a good thing because it enhances & extends the 'circuit' for this genre, which can only be ultimately positive for the growth of the rock population.


ROCK ON SHEFFIELD!!! We have always had a healthy and flourishing rock scene here, save for a few blips between the end of Rebels in 94 and the birth of DROP and RESERVOIR ROCKS (all forerunners to the creation of Corporation in 97). Thanks to the developments in the rock scene here we have a healthy and thriving rock 'population', certainly compared to some cities with poor rock nightlife where rockers are extremely rare sights indeed.


At the moment,already we have 3 good rock clubnights at the Corp (MOn/Fri/Sat) which is more than many towns/cities have, plus additional offerings by the Casbah although I am a bit out of touch with what they are doing at the moment. Indeed its a healthy rock scene here with room to grow....and ANYTHING that is new that is not dance music and the mainstream has got to be good news!!


here here - any addition to the rock scene here in sheffield has to be a good thing. myself personally would like more 'classic rock' as im the wrong side of 40 - the old corp catered for that perfectly with the 2 sides (settees in the middle when us old uns needed a sit down). me and my friends are in town every saturday and would visit clubs more if the music was right.

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