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Any golfers on here ?

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  • 2 months later...
nearly rung them today to book on tommorow , was looking for a cheap game , doing grassmoor instead , cheap as chips ( weather permitting )



Have a go at Rother valley.Tough course,excellent 7th hole,tricky greens & a monster 18th. Voted best course under 20 gold nuggets

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I played Grassmoor last year, they had a really good deal after 4.00 (don't know if they still do it though!) and I enjoyed it.


It's quite open in places(suits my game), the greens were decent and the holes were mostly quite interesting.


I'd rate it above Birch Hall and on a par with Rother Valley.


What's happening at Birch Hall then?

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I played Grassmoor last year, they had a really good deal after 4.00 (don't know if they still do it though!) and I enjoyed it.


It's quite open in places(suits my game), the greens were decent and the holes were mostly quite interesting.


I'd rate it above Birch Hall and on a par with Rother Valley.


What's happening at Birch Hall then?



They do a £9 a round after 4pm at the Grassmoor . Going to give it a go.Not sure with whats happening at BH;its all a bit vague

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grassmoor??????? hmmmm , well its the lesser of two courses owned by the same people, the best is rufford park ( which is excellent btw) . grassmoor is quite hilly but some interesting holes , spoilt i hasen to add by very wet fairways . the rain did come down last night though . what amazed me was the work that is ongoing while the course is open . one constant stream of 20 ton wagons driving onto the course on very rough temporary roads built for them all around the course on about 3 foot of hardcore. they seem to be building and landscaping the course and they arn't holding back on it either , one bank what they have built i would say is about 30 metres high and covers about 3 acres. bet there were 40 wagons came on to drop hardcore and top soil whilst i was playing. my guess is theyve agreed to get rid of rubble from a massive demolition somewhere ( probably got paid to take it ) and thought theyd landscape the course with it . just a guess mind but its gonna take a while before its pretty again . nice course on a good day , wasn't a good day though for me (dont ask) as for birch hall !!!!!! never play it in winter ... they dont look after it , would be nice if they were going to improve it .... just needs looking after better )

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