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The Rebels NightClub Mk 2.

X666 FJP

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But surely you dont get a licence depending on what music you play and I would have thought that if he was that desparate to have a dance club he could have either gone to another city or put someone else's name above the door.



Normally it doesnt matter what music you play - but the authorities have been very concerned over the years with the sort of crowd that the speed garage/bassline house played at the clubs owned or associated with the current rebels owners. Its not just the odd bit of lairyness - there have been stabbings, the odd gun going off and lots of other problems. So looks like they're trying out another market with less problems associated with it.

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The whole thing is a con:gag: ...the club is only open as Rebels because it was closed down by the Council as this Baxendale guy:gag: who thinks he is Al Capone (LOL) had too many problems with drug dealers and police...he only did it to get his licence back, with the intention of making the club as terrible:gag: (which it is) as possible so that it would fail, and then open his dance club again once he got the licence....he is trying to fool the Council (LOL) that he is running a legit club(!!!!), but made it so bad:gag: the rockers won't go back again, and then it will be fez club again....same with the Tube, its a con, to get a licence and then turn it back into empire Bar ....this is the word on the street I spoke to loads of people in Corporation last night, and if the rock people of this town fall for that, they are stupid.....he is just using the name Rebels to try and cash in briefly, and then once again to rip off all rockers and close it down like he apparently did before:gag: .....as I said before search this forum for Baxendale and see the trail of slime he has carved for himself.......:gag:


stick with the Corp, everyone says they are not crooks or gangsters or Al Capone wannabes and are nice guys.....


I can't quite work out if you are thick, retarded, blind or all of the three. If you opened your eyes for a couple of seconds you'd notice we have a large dance venue sandwhiched between The Tube and Rebels...It's called Club Vibe. We've been here now for almost a year now and it's very sucessfully run and have a very close relationship with the local authorities. I'm sick and tired of you now and have already had your offensive comments moderated once. Having worked for Steve for almost a year and seeing how much hard work goes into all the venues I take what you keep saying very seriously and am really fed up of it now. Why don't you **** off back to America and do some research on real gangstas if it interests you so much.

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yes the nelson dj lez was slagging down rebels last night :o

saying don't go [[something to do with selling corp tickets i think ]]:huh:

he said they are ripping of the rockers :loopy:

and said it was better when he did it :hihi:

as i put before it only made sense if you where there

but if lez jumped of a cliff that downstairs nelson sad lot would follow him

there is more to metal than the 20 songs lez plays go and get a metal life as ozzy's new CD is out but sorry no crazy train on it :P

its so sad rebels was free to get in last night so what if the drinks where a bit more !!!you saved 5-6 pounds getting in i am off on hols next week i think when i come back it will be a club of the past again :( get in there give it a chance plus you can get your request played you cant even get to the djs at the corp unless you can pole dance :rolleyes:



Lez has as much right to slag off a club as the next person. As you have his set at the nelson. Lez went to the opening night and was very disappointed as were a lot of people. Rebels was a massive part of his life. He wanted to see it work as much as the next person. The owners of Rebels are far from stupid and know that it needs to be improved im sure. A lot of people werent impressed not just Lez. Get off your high horse and discuss the topic not the fact that Lez didnt like it.

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lolme 2 wud like 2 no y ppl wont it to fail


I think that says


Laugh out loud. Me too. Would like to know why people want it to fail?


I dont think anybody does infact quite the opposite. All these people have great memories of Rebels. Trouble is you cant live up to expectations like that. The atmoshphere was a combination of the music the venue and the people. You cant just open a venue give it the same name and get the same result. It will take time and some of the issues resolving. People wont pay all that money for drinks if they dont have too. they will just leave and go somwhere else. If you are going to charge high prices you have to give people another dam good reason to stay. People work hard for their weekends out they want to feel they are getting their moneys worth.

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Does anyone know what the first song played at the new Rebels was? Did it open dead on 11pm the Friday before last? I vividly remember going to the original opening night of Rebels MK I in Feb 1982 at the former Penthouse Club in Dixon Lane, and I am sure the first song played there was 'Only you can rock me' by UFO.......just for the record (no pun intended) interested in the first song played for the MK 2 version........anyone first in the door the other week?

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Why don't you **** off back to America and do some research on real gangstas if it interests you so much.


Hi. Tanya (aka metalheads) has now left Leadmill Point and left a trail of ill feeling in her wake. We collectively voted for her to move out of our flat and she went yesterday to stay with some people on her course living in a rented house. In just 2 weeks she has managed to totally **** off everyone she shared with, and also upset practically everyone she came into contact with.


The Leadmill Point Posse now comprises 3 girl students, all English and very sensible. Our views of Americans have been rather tarnished recently. The opinions of her on previous postings has not been the views of myself or anyone I know, in fact we have not been with her to Rebels, she went with other (now X) friends.

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Hi. Tanya (aka metalheads) has now left Leadmill Point and left a trail of ill feeling in her wake. We collectively voted for her to move out of our flat and she went yesterday to stay with some people on her course living in a rented house. In just 2 weeks she has managed to totally **** off everyone she shared with, and also upset practically everyone she came into contact with.


The Leadmill Point Posse now comprises 3 girl students, all English and very sensible. Our views of Americans have been rather tarnished recently. The opinions of her on previous postings has not been the views of myself or anyone I know, in fact we have not been with her to Rebels, she went with other (now X) friends.


So........when's the party? :banana:


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