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RAC declares Manor Estate a "NO GO" area

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When I was installing satellite TV I would not go on the patio estate at swinton without a mate to sit in the van and guard it. I told the customer this service cost an extra tenner or I didn't do the job.


Too many other vans broken into. Mine was not going to be next.


Having read all 5 pages. I'm more on the RAC side.


I think the RAC staff should have a choice of whether he or she wants to take on a job or not.


I quoted upinwath, as this seemed the nearest to my point of view.


As a private hire taxi driver[me], you get the choice of area you wish to bid for a job, and I choose not to bid for Wybourn/Skye Edge/Manor (and quite a few more estates, but unrelated to this thread) late at night when I work, (unless I'm told it's a regular or I've picked them up before).


This isn't because I consider everyone on these estates to be thugs, I'm just lessening my chances of trouble.


I don't mind getting slated with anyone disagreeing with me, I have done thousands of taxi journeys, and I'm happy to give as many examples as is necessary. (the latest being one on Wulfric Rd, one on Philadelphia Gardens, and one on Nethershire Lane).


happy debating people :)

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Having read all 5 pages. I'm more on the RAC side.


I think the RAC staff should have a choice of whether he or she wants to take on a job or not.


I quoted upinwath, as this seemed the nearest to my point of view.


As a private hire taxi driver[me], you get the choice of area you wish to bid for a job, and I choose not to bid for Wybourn/Skye Edge/Manor (and quite a few more estates, but unrelated to this thread) late at night when I work, (unless I'm told it's a regular or I've picked them up before).


This isn't because I consider everyone on these estates to be thugs, I'm just lessening my chances of trouble.


I don't mind getting slated with anyone disagreeing with me, I have done thousands of taxi journeys, and I'm happy to give as many examples as is necessary. (the latest being one on Wulfric Rd, one on Philadelphia Gardens, and one on Nethershire Lane).


happy debating people :)


Whilst I agree with most of what you have said, I wonder if the RAC will give full refunds to their members who live on or visit the Manor? I am a member of the RAC and if I were to drive to the Manor (with my bullet proof vest) and break down, I would take the RAC to court if they refused to come out.

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Whilst I agree with most of what you have said, I wonder if the RAC will give full refunds to their members who live on or visit the Manor? I am a member of the RAC and if I were to drive to the Manor (with my bullet proof vest) and break down, I would take the RAC to court if they refused to come out.


I am also with the RAC, and as I said in my post above, I fully support them. As for taking them to court, you would be on a loser straight away, as the RAC reserve the right to withdraw the service at their discretion. Just as the AA are withdrawing night patrols, and sub contracting call outs to local garages.

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it could easily be a decent place, its not that bad a place anyway. ive suggested the firefighters at mansfield rd be given arresting powers, they could apprehend criminals and hopefully they could then be taught a lesson by the courts


Fire bregade with the power of arrest? There's so many reasons why that's a bad idea, including the extra funding and time required for extra training and the legal issues that would arise. Policing is best left to the Police.


The fire crews can make a 'citizens arrest' like any person can do without warrant, however it can be dodgy grounds and often many people don't risk it.

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Isn't this because the police have allowed it to become a 'no-go zone'. No such area should exist for anyone, including the police. Go in heavy handed and nail the people that create these so-called no-go areas. Keep nailing them again and again and again till they stop.


I don't think you can blame the police for this. They do patrol the are and respond to incidents there. The area may be treated with caution, but it's not a no go area for the police.


You have to look further along the system to see why these problems aren't being tackled. What happens to these people in court? What are the sentences like?


Once the police have done their bit it's over to the CPS and the courts. If there's not enough of a punishment at that side then where's the deterrent?

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Why the hell would it stop the RAC as a hole. There bloody grown men, i think they should have the choice where they cover. If i was working for then RAC i wouldnt be put off by an attack, nore would alot of `big fella's` that work for the company.


I am one of these "bloody grown men" as you call us, and although I am not local to the area in question, when I go to work the most important thing is MY SAFETY. Should anyone expect to have physical violence or be abused whilst just trying to do a job? And if I was stupid enough to respond to violence, how would that look in the press? RAC MAN ATTACKS YOUTHS!!

Or if i got stabbed, How would my family feel? I love my job and helping our members, But my safety is paramount.


I do feel sorry for the member having to wait, and I am sure the patrol who was sent feels bad about not going to rescue him.

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There are definitely a lot of good, decent people who live on the manor. It's time the autorities came up with strategies to empower this majority to help them help themselves. A lot of people turn a blind eye to what is going on in fear of reprisals for themselves and their families, and who can blame them? No one wants to put their family at risk. However, it's time they were offered safe, anonymous ways of helping their community to become what they deserve it to be. I think the majority of people living on the manor will see Caborn's response for exactly what it is - 'soft-soaping' seems to be the appropriate Sheffield term, and a total cop out.


If the local community worked with the authorities then this would be a huge step towards sorting out the problems. There are many on the Manor, as in most areas, that won't talk to the police for whatever reason. How can you help those people? There are others that will knowingly help or hide people suspected of crimes, they are just as bad as the criminals themselves.


There are plenty of people willing to help of report problems but you are right, they are scared to do so. There are anonymous lines such as Crimestoppers though were you can make reports without giving yourself away to these idiots that intimidate people.


The way I see it is that we need harsher punishments for offenders. The courts need more powers to hammer people hard for these crimes and make it so that people think twice before they harm the lives of others. Until we make it so that criminals are scared of the outcome of their actions then we don't stand a chance at tackling them and they'll always have the upperhand.


I've seen people leaving court before laughing at the sentence passed down to them. You know full well that before the year's out they'll be back there for something else and once again they'll leave with a sentence that won't scare them. Unforunately it's the way our country is, we don't have tough enough penalties for those that choose to harm others.

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Whilst I agree with most of what you have said, I wonder if the RAC will give full refunds to their members who live on or visit the Manor? I am a member of the RAC and if I were to drive to the Manor (with my bullet proof vest) and break down, I would take the RAC to court if they refused to come out.


They aren't failing to provide the service though, they are arranging for 3rd parties to come out to their members. This is perfectly acceptable and all breakdown agencies do it for many reasons. If you tried to take them to court for a 3rd party truck coming to your aid then you'd not get very far I'm affraid.

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I am one of these "bloody grown men" as you call us, and although I am not local to the area in question, when I go to work the most important thing is MY SAFETY. Should anyone expect to have physical violence or be abused whilst just trying to do a job? And if I was stupid enough to respond to violence, how would that look in the press? RAC MAN ATTACKS YOUTHS!!

Or if i got stabbed, How would my family feel? I love my job and helping our members, But my safety is paramount.


I do feel sorry for the member having to wait, and I am sure the patrol who was sent feels bad about not going to rescue him.


First of all, welcome to the forum.


You are right and I think many of us understand you want to work in a safe environment as much as everyone else does.


The RAC was right to not put it's staff in danger, the only thing they may have been better of doing was informing the customer of the problem while on the phone to her. Had they have done that she'd have nothing to complain about.


I'd rather see headlines where RAC drivers aren't going to the Manor for safety reasons instead of flowers on a lamp post where the RAC driver fell or the driver's face on the front of the paper as he left court for charges relating to his fighting back.


The only people we should be mad at are the people that cause this problem, the people attacking the RAC drivers. They are the cause of all of this.

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Fair enough, the RAC have to protect their staff. However you do have to wonder what the spin on the story would have been had the woman in the car been raped or the man murdered due to being abandoned at the roadside in the 'hood?

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