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Parcel from London to Sheffield


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Could any friends advise me the cheapest way to get a box of books from Raynes Park in London to Sheffield. It will be quite heavy as there are 31 books in, not bought them yet as trying to find out how much it will cost me to get them here first. I need to find out before tomorrow a.m. Maybe someone could advise me on a cheap courier service.Any advice welcomed, thank you.

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You could stick the box of books on a train and tell the person in sheffield what carrage they are on and they could retrieve them when it gets to Sheffield. Not sure about the legal side of that though but it's a top idea!!

Else try http://www.parcel2go.com

It's a top idea until the point where the books are escorted from the train and take part in a controlled explosion :hihi:.

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It's a top idea until the point where the books are escorted from the train and take part in a controlled explosion :hihi:.


lol I was just thinking that too ....


There used to be a service called Red Star that you could put something on the train and collect it at the other end. Don't know how much it cost though, but it was a same day service sort of thing.


I once left my baby's pram in Sheffield Station and had it sent down by Red Star, collected it only two or so hours after I arrived myself!

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