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Hole in the Wall pub, Savile St near the Wicker


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I understand that that pub was used by the beautiful south for one of their pop videos.


I think it used to have a brewery behind it and it was the brewery pub ( brewery tap ) of that brewery. But the brewery was not needed and converted to making vinegar, which would be quite an insult to the former master beer brewer.


I do recognise that is is just another old pub in the wrong place nowadays, but what a shame to loose a venue with such a rich history.


It was, at one time, called 'The Wicker Brewery'. It certainly had that name in the mid 1970s when I was a regular lunchtime drinker there, before it became the 'Hole in the Wall'.

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Yeah, this post is old , but forgotten about Ole' in the wall. It is a shame it has gone, another building the Council can add to ther list of Vandalised Heritage.


Not a pub I went in exept once. The Landlady, Lady ?, On the ocasition I went in The Landlady was very drunk, (I was told she often was) was shouting across at two ladies sat at a table. She was swaying with a drink in her hand & shouting at at the two afore mentioned customers, something about F****** Lesbians there. :gag:


This put me off going back, the skinny landlord a george Roper figure remained silent.


Still there is a pub for everyone, & I am a big believer in characters, BUT I am not a believer in Council Desecration. :loopy: :loopy:

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I know this is a long shot does anyone have any photos of the inside or one showing the mural on the wall? I managed to photo the outside of the pub a few weeks before it came down some of window boarding was falling off so got a view of the inside the building at some point had been set alight what I could see anyway. The ended its day as a gay haunt mostly Lesbians using it a former bar maid said it closed due lack of trade and been out of the way location neverless its a shame its gone.

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