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Torchwood - BBC 3 - Sci-Fi For Adults!


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Its a good sci fi prog, full of interesting facts, features and plot lines, but what i find most fascinating about the prog is the lesbo action it shows occasionally.

Is that so bad? Am I wrong? Am I some kind of pervert????

I have never been a Doctor Who fan but I do enjoy this one.To answer your questions :-

No,no, and almost certainly ;):P

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Yes this weeks was very Lesbianated ... oooOOooo i just made up a word lol.


I love this thing thats going off between the cop and the doc (vant remember names think its Gwyn and Glen not sure). But please give Jack someone to love, i feel so sorry for him and i just want to hug him...feel sorry for the gay guy.


My favourite Character Captain Jack...cant wait till next week.


From Fallen

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they have said that every member of the cast with have a same-sex kiss before the end of the series!!! no problem for jack i suppose- he's as camp as a row of pink tents!


That post made me chuckle i must remember that lol.


Oh gee everyones looking at me with a strange expression on their faces.


From Fallen

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