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How are the Royal Mail getting away with reducing their service levels ?

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Many thanks to those who suggested asking the Royal Mail to collect from my business, I`ll investigate this but I can`t help thinking that our volumes of post may mean this is unjustifiable (cost wise).

The thing is I shouldn`t have to be scrabbling around trying to reorganise my business (at greater cost and/or inconvenience) because the Royal Mail has drastically reduced it`s service levels. Moving the last collections forward one and a half hours is totally unacceptable. We could just about cope if it was half an hour or even one hour (forward to 6.30 or 6.00 PM), but one and a half hours is just taking the bleedin` P***.

If they can get away with this God knows what they`ll try next.....

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I dunno if its related, but our postie has taken to not bothering to knock when he's delivering a package and just drops the red slip straight through with the mail, so I have to collect it next day.


Has anyone else seen / notice this happenin.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Our postie doesn't do packets or parcels anymore, a guy in a van does them all. Perhaps because of all the junk mail the walking postie now has to deliver?


Absolutely, they`re more bothered about delivering annoying rubbish to us (because it makes them money) than providing a service.

I`m telling you now, if the Royal Mail get away with what they`ve already done, what will they do next ? How about collections in the morning and deliveries in the afternoon ? That way they could possibly get away with employing 30% less staff. The fact everyone would have to wait an extra day for their mail is not something they`re bothered about......

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Like I say I feel the service is excellent for the price is costs so I have no objections with how it's being run. I'd rather they run it with a view to being in the black rather than the red so my tax money isn't pumped into a failing Royal mail.


If you just want to post letter which you have stamped with adequate amounts already, then Royal mail usually have a later collection from Post Boxes outside post offices.

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  • 1 month later...
Like I say I feel the service is excellent for the price is costs so I have no objections with how it's being run. I'd rather they run it with a view to being in the black rather than the red so my tax money isn't pumped into a failing Royal mail.


If you just want to post letter which you have stamped with adequate amounts already, then Royal mail usually have a later collection from Post Boxes outside post offices.


I hope none of the Royal Mail managers are reading this because it`s a certainty that they`ll cut the service even further if they think they can get away with it. It does beg the question how much worse would they have to make the service for you to be disatisfied !

I finally worked out how to get round the RMs appalling "general enquiries" phone line (if anyone wants to know how, get in touch !) and I was told "The service (you`ve had for the last 100 years) was over specified !.

So they`ve decided to make it worse.... Arrogant b******s.


PS You don`t work for the RM do you ?!?

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Business post with the Royal is different to the domestic service. They offer services for businesses so look into those but I do wonder if any will suit you.


Domestically I can't complain - 2 lovely local post offices ( for now) and post on the doormat at around 9am and a wave from my lovely postie.


Have also notice anything bigger than a magazine is driven to me in the red van.

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Royal Mail must have lost a lot of business through the advent of e-mail in the last 5-10 years. Junk mail (or regular distributions by large business customers) probably plays an important part in keeping the business viable. There is still, in effect, a big subsidy to users in rural areas. If you want a bespoke service you may have to pay a bespoke price.

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I can`t fault my postie but as for Royal Mail on a whole what a joke .I`ve recently sent 2 very important letters to a company one by recorded delivery, never got a signature advised to send again this time by special delivery still no signature. how are you supposed to know if the correct company received the letter when it`s not been signed for. I did complain to Royal Mail and received a refund. I also telephoned postal watch where you are supposed to go when not happy with a service what a joke they where, The gentleman I spoke to just didn`t want to know, infact I ended up putting the phone down on him, but one thing he did tell me and maybe alot of people are unaware, is just because you pay extra for a signature service companies can opt out of signing.

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