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What's the worst job you've ever had?

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Oh and i was a waitress too, which wasnt too bad actually (great tips...;-) but we used to do functions in strange places and there was one place we went to most weekends where there was no hot water and we had to rinse off all the plates in freezing cold water. In winter my hands and lips literally went blue...

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Oh god, i was a trolly dolly too!! That was a real crack though, i used to whizz that trolly down the corridors in this masive five story office building and smack into everything...OOps, slightly off thread now....

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I once worked briefly for a company based in the old Aizlewoods Mill who called themselves "Business Ratings Consultants". Basically you were given a phone, the Yellow Pages and you had to convince businesses to hire this company to take the Council to court to review the business rates they were paying.

I suspected at the time - but only found out later - that it was a complete con and that you didn't need a third party to challenge your business rates so effectively the company i was working for was a complete rip-off.


It was with great smugness that i read a few years later about the company going bust and the directors receiving custodial sentences for fraud.......

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Blind- calling companies trying to find out what they do in order to update a database. Not just that the people at the other end were so rude, no the building's heating gave up the night before and I was freezing cold. Ended up with flu afterwards and could not go back there (I was devastated :hihi: )

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