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The Mobile Phone Mast Debate

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What annoys me is how people blindly assume that masts are a danger when they have little or no understanding of the science behind them.


Where would you place a Mast? Ontop of a school or 500m from a village?


Now the Anti-Mast brigade will instantly say 500m from a village, but if there is a danger from masts putting it ontop of a school would be the safest for the kids. (because of how microwaves are transmitted)

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I have very little (actually no) understanding of how mobile phones work but it seems to make sense to me that if you are near the mast then your signal won't need to be as strong, and your ear won't eventually mutate into some hiddeous monster (which I'm convinced will hapen to everyone who uses a mobile phone).

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I have to be honest now - long after starting the thread. I'm not convinced either way by the science or the rhetoric, and I live within 500m of that mast proposal.


What amazes me is the depth of commitment of the community. Something that is often sadly lacking. Right or wrong, I applaud them.


They have MADE the powers that be sit up and listen to their fears.

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I agree with Tony (well it was bound to happen one of these days :D ), what has impressed me was the community commitment and campaigning skills. If only communities would expend this amount of energy on some of the other issues that we have rather than the flood of apathy that seems to be the norm

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Originally posted by nick2

I have very little (actually no) understanding of how mobile phones work but it seems to make sense to me that if you are near the mast then your signal won't need to be as strong, and your ear won't eventually mutate into some hiddeous monster (which I'm convinced will hapen to everyone who uses a mobile phone).


and you are closer to the apparent "dangerous" masts, so its a lose-lose situation apparently!


The science says there is "little to no risk", if you want to see any "long term" effects look at the people of sweden and finland, they look normal and theyve been using microwave technology for comms. longer than any developed country in the world!!

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Originally posted by Tony

I have to be honest now - long after starting the thread. I'm not convinced either way by the science or the rhetoric, and I live within 500m of that mast proposal.


What amazes me is the depth of commitment of the community. Something that is often sadly lacking. Right or wrong, I applaud them.


They have MADE the powers that be sit up and listen to their fears.


I'm not sure about the science either... but I've written my letter against the appeal because I just don't really want it to be there! I haven't been able to get signal on my mobile since I moved here and I've actually got used to not using it anymore!


Incidentally, whereabouts are you Tony? I'm relatively new to the area and I live within 10m of the proposed site.

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You could say, that maybe its none of my business wether people smoke, drink, are obese, dont do any exercise, but as a question of money it is, I have to subsidise the national health service to support these morons, who ironically pay the same amonut of revenue as me, yet I look after myself!






If you don't smoke, drink, overeat, or drive everywhere, then you don't pay anything like the tax that I do.


Maybe we could tax smug self satisfaction, then you could get near to the tax burden that us "morons" bear.

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  • 2 weeks later...

benn working in that area today and noticed a few banners and people handing out flyers etc..objecting to a phone mast being errected i just wonderd how many of these protesters own a moblie phone..my guess..all of them..bit hypotrical don't ya think?

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Maybe if protesters succeed in blocking the installation of a mobile phone mast it should be replaced by a mobile phone jammer instead?


It really is daft though, don't the protesters realise that the signal output from these masts is miniscule. Why don't they go and protest at Crosspool - look at the size of that transmitter!



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