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Is Racism To White People Even Possible?

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1 hour ago, dacrlit said:

Yes, White people can be the victims of Racism as well, as anyone else.

A more accurate term is the human tendency for tribalism. Cultural prejudice.


As in French eat frogs, Dutch eat horses, Arabs eat locusts, Africans eat insects, Chinese eat dogs and cats, English eat pork pies, chickins, udder, heart, sheep's brains on toast and and other such stuff!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes racism to white people is possible and it happens.


Most (if not all) dictionaries define racism as prejudice, discrimination or unfair treatment toward a person/people based on their ethnicity and/or the colour of their skin.


As far as I can tell, the attempt to change this definition began in the social studies academia of USA universities, likely from some academic trying to make a name for him/her/them/it/zig/zag/selves.

The idea they have been trying to push over the last couple of decades is that racism isn't just about skin colour, there has to be a power dynamic. The logic here is deeply flawed, as it relies on white people having the "power" everywhere.


In the USA, congress is made up of mostly white people (and likely always will be) and, on a national scale, they have the power.

On a more localised scale (states, cities, towns, neighbourhoods, streets) the "power dynamic" varies quite a bit, not just in official governing but social power dynamics. In a neighbourhood mostly made up of Hispanic families, does the one white family have the "power"?

In a city with a majority of black population and culture, does the minority of white people have the "power?"


Not to mention entire countries where black people and other races are literally in power.


I think it's best to stick with the long standing definition that racism is based on colour/ethnicity and focus more on trying to get along together instead of defending hate (from anyone).


Edited by RootsBooster
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2 hours ago, RootsBooster said:

Yes racism to white people is possible and it happens.


Most (if not all) dictionaries define racism as prejudice, discrimination or unfair treatment toward a person/people based on their ethnicity and/or the colour of their skin.


As far as I can tell, the attempt to change this definition began in the social studies academia of USA universities, likely from some academic trying to make a name for him/her/them/it/zig/zag/selves.

The idea they have been trying to push over the last couple of decades is that racism isn't just about skin colour, there has to be a power dynamic. The logic here is deeply flawed, as it relies on white people having the "power" everywhere.


In the USA, congress is made up of mostly white people (and likely always will be) and, on a national scale, they have the power.

On a more localised scale (states, cities, towns, neighbourhoods, streets) the "power dynamic" varies quite a bit, not just in official governing but social power dynamics. In a neighbourhood mostly made up of Hispanic families, does the one white family have the "power"?

In a city with a majority of black population and culture, does the minority of white people have the "power?"


Not to mention entire countries where black people and other races are literally in power.


I think it's best to stick with the long standing definition that racism is based on colour/ethnicity and focus more on trying to get along together instead of defending hate (from anyone).


It's Tribalism, a cultural bias, as natural as human and animal nature, that today is being exploited, by charlatan politicians as "racism"


Part and parcel of the politics of intentionally turning people in a society against each other, in order to instill fear, anger and outright hostility towards each other.


It's an offshoot of Western Colonial elitism. which sees people, not as members of the human family, but a vast mob, which requires "educating" into "enllghtenment".


They seek to pigeon hole humans into categories, skin color, ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, political ideology, and religion. rich, poor, and to inflame passions by encouraging protests, riots, strikes, and foment the very same anger and the hate, one group against the other, that they claim to despise!  :)


All the major wars, since time began and ongoing today in the world have little to do with racism, it's white on white, black on black, brown on brown, and yellow on yellow. All countries have secessionist movements of one kind or another that has no basis in any of the above categories, other than cultural, religious and political.


So, why the huge resources devoted to promoting and exploiting these differences?


It's obvious to me!  :)


Until governments can see each citizen as equals, and treat them all the same, without fear or favor it will remain a racist, misogynistic, prejudiced society, by default.


To be managed by a self appointed "elite", of course!


And we know who there are!


They are embedded in the culture, academia, education and the vast bureaucracies.


So there little hope for the West, as this is seen by the majority of the World, for what it is!


Edited by trastrick
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10 minutes ago, trastrick said:

It's Tribalism, a cultural bias, as natural as human and animal nature, that today is being exploited, by charlatan politicians as "racism"


Part and parcel of the politics of intentionally turning people in a society against each other, in order to instill fear, anger and outright hostility towards each other.


It's an offshoot of Western Colonial elitism. which sees people, not as members of the human family, but a vast mob, which requires "educating" into "enllghtenment".


They seek to pigeon hole humans into categories, skin color, ethnic origin, gender, sexual preference, political ideology, and religion. rich, poor, and to inflame passions by encouraging protests, riots, strikes, and foment the hate, one group against the other, that they claim to despise!  :)


All the major wars, since time began and ongoing today in the world have little to do with racism, it's white on white, black on black, brown on brown, and yellow on yellow. All countries have secessionist movements of one kind or another that has no basis in any of the above categories, other than cultural and political.


So, why the huge resources devoted to promoting and exploiting these differences?


It's obvious to me!  :)


Until governments can see each citizen as equals, and treat them all the same, without fear or favor it will remain a racist, misogynistic, prejudiced society, by default.


To be managed by a self appointed "elite", of course!


And we know who there are!


They are embedded in the culture, academia, education and the vast bureaucracies.


So there little hope for the West, as this is seen by the majority of the World, for what it is!

I think the difference is that tribalism is about the self (group) and racism is about the other (group)

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4 hours ago, XPertByExperien said:

(console wars are for 5 year olds IMO)


Coming from someone who takes every available opportunity to tell the world how much you hate 'Sony zealots' (I saw your twitter before it went), that's a pretty rich statement

Edited by slh73
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9 hours ago, RootsBooster said:

I think the difference is that tribalism is about the self (group) and racism is about the other (group)

I’d think tribalism is where you get members of a particular group, all helping and looking after each other; a kind of positive discrimination (and so, negative discrimination against non-members of the group).

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13 hours ago, Waldo said:

I’d think tribalism is where you get members of a particular group, all helping and looking after each other; a kind of positive discrimination (and so, negative discrimination against non-members of the group).

Discrimination in ones life's personal choices can indeed be a positive, Choice of personal habits, hygiene, behavior, choice of partners, friends, choice of food, et al.


History shows tribalism can be can be as abhorrent, and far more deadly, than racism (negative discrimination based on skin color), when one's tribe assumes it has the "moral" right to enforce it's "values" on the rest of the World, by force, if necessary.


Colonialism, communism, fascism, Third Reichs, New Liberal World Orders, Regime Change, and Religion.


All have been, and still are, are the primary causes of war.


Wars, based on skin color, not so much.






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