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Litter In Sheffield?

El Cid

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There is a litter bin that I walk past everyday. It's a few hundred yards from a row of shops. It is very often full to the point of overflowing. This is because the Council don't empty it everyday, so people do put their rubbish in bins however if a bin is full some people won't take it home and will try to put it in an already full bin which inevitably may end up on the floor.

I am always messaging the Council asking them to empty it.

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19 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

There's no sneering, just questioning those who are happy to volunteer others  for litter picking in free time that may not have, because they are at work. All those who have suggested it is the responsibility of teachers to collect the rubbish in the school yard and its surrounds have yet to identify when teachers should be doing that.


Do they give up their lunchtime? Do a bit in the dark after they finish for the day? Maybe they believe what they read in the Daily Mail about what a cushy job teaching is, all those holidays etc. Never mind the near 50 hour weeks worked,


You know what, I couldn't find time in my working day to go pick litter in the surrounding streets. I take a bag and pick bits and pieces of litter up when I'm out running or walking, as do you. That's my choice, I don't expect others to do the same. What I do expect is for the litter not to be dropped in the first place.

Not in my experience, and I've been to a lot over my working life, both in Europe and most other continents.

The point I’m making is that constantly passing the buck and making litter ‘someone else’s’ problem goes a long way to explain why there is so much litter and the problem isn’t getting any better. 
Of course teachers shouldn’t be picking up all litter dropped in and around schools. Apart from the time that it take, it wouldn’t teach the children anything or send out the correct messages about personal responsibility,the community and the environment.

However, schools should play their part by not tolerating litter and teaching children why it is unacceptable. 
This isn’t just about schools, this about everyone taking some responsibility, however small. A lot of people blame the council and say there should be more bins.  More bins probably are needed in certain places, but it isn’t the whole answer. Several industrial sized bins were put in Endcliffe park last summer but there was still litter all over the place.  And of course, the council is having to pay people to empty them and clear up the mess.  Who wants to pay more council tax to clear up after people that can’t be bothered? 

If more and more people just start to do their own little bit this will make a difference.




19 hours ago, pintor said:

Said for years there should be one hour per week, per class( class can be split each week into smaller groups)  where theyy go out litter picking, I know health and safety would poo poo this but if they were picking it up maybe they would eventually get the message and think about dropping it on the first place.  Failing that we need to get the long term unemployed to give up one day per week doing it,( supervised of course) do something for their benefits 

I don’t think children should be litter picking in school time (although they should certainly be taught not to drop litter) but something like a sponsored litter pick for charity out of school time might help.

Making the long term unemployed litter pick feels like they are being targeted for punishment for being lazy.  People may be long term unemployed through no fault of of their own. No objections for people sentenced to community service litter picking though!


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The responsibility lies solely with the council and the culprits that are causing this influx of litter.


We pay enough Council tax and they should get on top of this and though the council should take some of the blame why our streets look something like a 3rd world Country because that is how bad it's becoming, the people that cause this are the ones responsible.

Thankfully we have volunteer's to pick it up in there own time and though I don't join them I have purchased a litter picker for my own Street so I won't have to rely on our good volunteers to do what the council should be doing.

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4 hours ago, redruby said:

I don’t think children should be litter picking in school time (although they should certainly be taught not to drop litter) but something like a sponsored litter pick for charity out of school time might help.

Making the long term unemployed litter pick feels like they are being targeted for punishment for being lazy.  People may be long term unemployed through no fault of of their own. No objections for people sentenced to community service litter picking though!


Good idea to have people on community service litter picking.  Also agree that kids should  be taught not to drop litter by teachers and parents.    We all need to do our bit, I am constantly picking up litter from my front garden as I like to keep it looking clean and tidy.  My local shops are a disgrace though, the area is in need of a good clean up.  I have neighbours who seem to think it is ok to dump rubbish on their front garden and its left there for months, dont know why they just cant put small amounts at a time into the bin.  Some people have no respect for their own gardens let alone public places.

Edited by katekate
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3 hours ago, Cycleracer said:

The responsibility lies solely with the council and the culprits that are causing this influx of litter.


We pay enough Council tax and they should get on top of this and though the council should take some of the blame why our streets look something like a 3rd world Country because that is how bad it's becoming, the people that cause this are the ones responsible.

Thankfully we have volunteer's to pick it up in there own time and though I don't join them I have purchased a litter picker for my own Street so I won't have to rely on our good volunteers to do what the council should be doing.

The council have big part to part to play but it is not all down to the council to deal with this.  Just one example is Endcliffe park. The litter there was so bad last year, that several industrial sized bins were put there. It helped but there was still a lot of litter strewn around. Two truck loads of rubbish were taken from the park every morning.  A lot of people need to get away from the notion that it’s always someone else’s responsibility to clean up their rubbish.  I think a lot of people forget that if they go to a festival, music event etc they are paying for the clear up as part of their ticket price and think there should also be someone clearing up after them when they drop litter in the park, on the street or in the countryside.

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35 minutes ago, redruby said:

The council have big part to part to play but it is not all down to the council to deal with this.  Just one example is Endcliffe park. The litter there was so bad last year, that several industrial sized bins were put there. It helped but there was still a lot of litter strewn around. Two truck loads of rubbish were taken from the park every morning.  A lot of people need to get away from the notion that it’s always someone else’s responsibility to clean up their rubbish.  I think a lot of people forget that if they go to a festival, music event etc they are paying for the clear up as part of their ticket price and think there should also be someone clearing up after them when they drop litter in the park, on the street or in the countryside.

I couldn't agree more, it's the people that cause the problem.

What's wrong with people who think it is alright to throw there rubbish on the floor.

The binmen also have to pull there finger out, every time they come on my road they leave a trail of rubbish and never pick up after themselves.

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Theres definately an issue there with the bin men.  They leave lots of rubbish on my road as well that drops from the bins as they are emptying them.  They never pick up after themselves so they are no better than everyone else who drops rubbish.

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20 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

If we need the unemployed to pick up litter, then they should be employed on a decent wage to do so.


As for using kids as labour to litter pick, supervised by teachers, why is the responsibility of schools to get children not to litter? That's the responsibility of the parents, that's what we did, my children don't drop litter.


Who's supervising these classes split into smaller groups? There aren't teachers milling about in school looking for something to do. There is no time or money to do what you suggest. You could, of course, volunteer to take groups of kids out yourself, each school day.

If we want to get someone to pick it up how about the council catch people in the act and then make them spend the weekend picking all the litter up to teach them a lesson? If thats not possible perhaps a new law is needed so it can be done.

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52 minutes ago, katekate said:

Theres definately an issue there with the bin men.  They leave lots of rubbish on my road as well that drops from the bins as they are emptying them.  They never pick up after themselves so they are no better than everyone else who drops rubbish.

Have you reported the issue?

34 minutes ago, nightrider said:

If we want to get someone to pick it up how about the council catch people in the act and then make them spend the weekend picking all the litter up to teach them a lesson? If thats not possible perhaps a new law is needed so it can be done.

Have you reported the issue?

Its down to the local council tax payers to be active and make sure council services perform as they should.

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