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Katie Hopkins

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10 hours ago, makapaka said:

Absolutely - she should be allowed to say whatever she wants but the damage of what she’s saying needs to be highlighted and people need to understand it’s unacceptable.


i don’t hate her cos she wants to leave the EU - so do some of my friends and family - I hate her because she is completely and absolutely prejudiced and I don’t know why we should put up with that.

It's also dangerous to ignore, these lies have real consequences

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30 minutes ago, Branyy said:

Are you comparing bullying of a schoolboy and single tweet concerning some b-list celebrities?

They're clearly related. If you're unable to understand why, ask an emotionally intelligent friend.

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Guest makapaka
3 hours ago, Borista336 said:

no its an illustration of common sense, which is sadly lacking in todays world especially the young.

Common sense - that someone can say something racist - and it’s the person taking offence that’s wrong?


that isn’t common sense it’s just daft.

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23 hours ago, makapaka said:

Do you think it’s entertaining for a Muslim reading things like this 


“Explosion in France, shooting at a German hospital, knife attack in London. And Ramadan has not yet begun. Without food these sods get nasty.”


Or this


“Muslim men raping white women is consistent with the teaching of Islam. Revoke their citizenship and deport the ********. Asian my arse.”


Theyre all things Katie Hopkins has said -  I don’t think its entertaining.

So why does she refer to it as Londonistan?



Just because you don't like it doesn't mean there aren't people that do. I imagine some enjoy watching her rile people up. For me she can say what she likes it's up to me whether I listen to her and take it in or not - and I don't. One fruit cake does not represent the view of the whole world. 

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4 hours ago, Halibut said:

Yes i have read it and???  holds no truck with me, another snowflake kid bullied online! why because he chose that method to communicate and when someone is so attention seeking they bring it upon themselves in a perverse manner, like i said switch off the social media and ignore it, sorry he felt the need to do that  but there was no need, weakness is all it is.

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1 minute ago, Borista336 said:

Yes i have read it and???  holds no truck with me, another snowflake kid bullied online! why because he chose that method to communicate and when someone is so attention seeking they bring it upon themselves in a perverse manner, like i said switch off the social media and ignore it, sorry he felt the need to do that  but there was no need, weakness is all it is.

So you label a young man who committed suicide after being bullied online as a 'snowflake' and 'weak'. 

You're no better than Katie Hopkins. And that's nothing to be proud about.

4 hours ago, Borista336 said:

the ones that need to give their head a wobble as you put it are the ones that get all depressed about anything on social media especially so called celebrities/ if you dont like it dont look at it simple! same goes for all these silly kids that self harm because somebody called them a name or had an argument on twitter of facebook......grow up really!

You're the one that needs to grow up. 

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Guest makapaka
51 minutes ago, Tomm06 said:

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean there aren't people that do. I imagine some enjoy watching her rile people up. For me she can say what she likes it's up to me whether I listen to her and take it in or not - and I don't. One fruit cake does not represent the view of the whole world. 

None of that really makes any sense in terms of addressing the points I’ve raised but anyway....


1. I know people like her - I’m saying it’s wrong to.

2. I don’t think riling people to be racist and prejudiced is a good thing.

3. I know it’s up to people to choose to listen to her - I’m saying it’s wrong to

4. I know that - I never suggested it did.

6 minutes ago, Borista336 said:

Yes i have read it and???  holds no truck with me, another snowflake kid bullied online! why because he chose that method to communicate and when someone is so attention seeking they bring it upon themselves in a perverse manner, like i said switch off the social media and ignore it, sorry he felt the need to do that  but there was no need, weakness is all it is.

What an awful thing to say.

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