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Naseem Hamed sentenced to 15 months & 4 year driving ban - now released

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I have just heard on this morning news that Naseem is being transferred to an open prison,is this fair or not ?


A prison is a prison, open prisons are not like country clubs (regardless of what you may read in the "news" papers) they are still pretty horrible.

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You miss my point. Accidents can and do happen to people, no matter how good a driver they are as you say.

But this 'accident' was a direct result of the way Haseem was driving.

Owning and driving a powerful sports car does not turn most drivers in idiots who take foolhardy and obvious risks with other peoples lives.


The car no doubt had something to do with the amount of damage he caused. But I doubt things would be different if naseem had been a mediocre boxer and had been driving a hot hatch instead of a supercar, it just wouldn't have been of such interest.


Don't worry Cyclone - That post regardless of length seemed to try to miss every point anybody made which was adverse - I think Team Naz may now have found their Captain and Head Cheerleader.:D

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A prison is a prison, open prisons are not like country clubs (regardless of what you may read in the "news" papers) they are still pretty horrible.
why do you say that? do you visit these prisons? i have friends who have been in them,this particular one is a very soft prison, it was pre arranged for nasseem to go into it,before he was even sentenced, he was never going to do time in a real prison, this one

http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=17078540%26method=full%26siteid=94762%26headline=exclusive%2d%2dnaz%2ds%2dlife%2dof%2driley%2din%2djail-name_page.html has better facilities than most,the "guests" have their own " room" with dvd,s,pc,s,coloured televisions,stereo,s,and i will tell you some thing the paper didnt, you have a menu that you pre select the day before,and its not porridge believe me.


it wont take long before the other prisoners,the ones who have been through the mill to earn their place there will turn on him,at the moment he is a novelty,once the newness wears off ,the realisation that he is bieng given preferential treatment will kick in and his world will come tumbling down around him

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No first hand experience then ?


Its ok saying that you have visited friends etc, but till you have been in one of them for a while you really have no idea what prisons are really like.


If people could only comment on what they have first hand exeprience of then there would be a very low post count on here.


Perhaps my mate was lying when he told me about whats it's like in prison, and realy he had a great time and didn't want to leave ?


I'll ask him next time I see him.

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Perhaps my mate was lying when he told me about whats it's like in prison, and realy he had a great time and didn't want to leave ?



Bit off topic but I agree, I know for a fact that some people prefer being locked up.

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You miss my point. Accidents can and do happen to people, no matter how good a driver they are as you say.

But this 'accident' was a direct result of the way Haseem was driving.


yes it does look that way, doesnt it, i agree.


Owning and driving a powerful sports car does not turn most drivers in idiots who take foolhardy and obvious risks with other peoples lives.


i dont know the statistics on that, cyclone, and anyway, statistics aren't infallible. working with statistics is rather like making a good curry. if you're aiming for taste x then out of a vast range of spices you elect to use spices a,b, c, d and e, and ignore spices h,i,j.


geddit? :)



The car no doubt had something to do with the amount of damage he caused. But I doubt things would be different if naseem had been a mediocre boxer and had been driving a hot hatch instead of a supercar, it just wouldn't have been of such interest.


it absolutely wouldn't have been of such interest, you're right, because people in the public eye have a responsibility to set examples and when they neglect that responsibility, the public jump on them for it.


the accident would have been just as tragic no matter who was involved, though.



I was referring to what Carl_Malibu had done to someone on another related thread, which now seems to have gone.


ah, the perils of hauling people up by their shirt collars for postings on other threads. ;)



You obviously have not read what he wrote there, and, as your comment says, are making a judgement by what you have read of Carl on this thread which has no relevance to what I was saying. Next time, please read and don't try and make someone look like they're saying something else. I don't need you to speak for me.


....aaaand breeeeeeaaathe. :) i promise to try much harder when im reading your posts, diva. :) sometimes i get distracted by silly little things, oooh i dont know, airy fairy little thoughts going through my fluffy little head. :) i will make sure that when im dealing with you in future i am up to scratch and paying attention! :)


The White Rose, I've just read your posting again, are you Carl_Malibu?


sweetie (do you mind if i call you sweetie? its just that "diva" reminds of me that shocking little upstart on BB6, kamal) - im a newbie on here, i know nothing about the history of all the petty squabbles between major posters on here, im just jumping in at the deep end. :)


if you click on my posting name a box drops down and on that it says "visit the white rose's home page!" which leads straight to my blog, for which im about to write another entry when i stop tossing it off on here. you can see quite clearly who i am then and everything about me, :) i am certainly not a blerk (no, im not from 'ull either) and i'm certainly not called carl malibu. great name that, i might nick it for my next novel. :) sounds like a racy coke dealer :)

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