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CPS considers Brexit leave campalgn

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Good! And I hope all politicians that have knowingly lied get held to account. It's one thing having a plan and not being able to follow through with it, but to blatantly lie knowing that there is no chance of it happening or being true then that's crossing the line and our laws should be able to prosecute.

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What is your source for this having reached the CPS?


You might like to back the #BrexitJustice crowd funded project which has hired lawyers to prosecute the politicians (both leave and remain) who lied during the referendum campaigns.


Yes it would be nice to also prosecute politicians who lie during election campaigns. If I buy a product or service and it doesn't do what the supplier promised then there are laws that allow me to return it and prosecute the supplier. Let's apply that to politics and get them to clean up their acts.

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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


Interestingly political pamphlets are not subject to scrutiny from the ASA. Had that been the case Leave could not have claimed 'we send 350m to the EU every week' as it is untrue.


That's not to say Remain didn't make outrageous predictions. But as they are predictions I'm not sure how they could be censured in the same way.

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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


But they did mislead voters, everyone knows that. The £350 million to the NHS pledge was the most obvious, which, on their "battle bus" they effectively repeated every day. But they also misled, and continue to mislead, on their assurances over access to the single market, what is it, something like "we`ll get access to the single market without paying anything or accepting free movement of people". Not one senior EU official has said anything other than that isn`t going to happen, yet they`re still saying it......

Most significantly, the Leave campaign only "won" by 52/48, so it`s entirely possible, I`d say probably, that the result was influenced by these lies. I can honestly say I wouldn`t be so upset by this whole referendum business if the result hadn`t been close, because I accept that the campaign made no difference to about 70% plus of voters (on either side), it`s the rest in the middle who were influenced.

The big problem is all those lies are coming home to roost now with many Remainers very unhappy. Whenever I hear about "the clearly stated wish of the British people", I feel like throwing something at the radio.


As a general principle I approve of lying politicians of whatever political party, being made to account for their untruths.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


They all lied, to a man (or indeed, woman) in this campaign - it was national disgrace regardless of who won. Given the numbers any court case would be a waste of time.

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Interestingly political pamphlets are not subject to scrutiny from the ASA. Had that been the case Leave could not have claimed 'we send 350m to the EU every week' as it is untrue.


That's not to say Remain didn't make outrageous predictions. But as they are predictions I'm not sure how they could be censured in the same way.


I think Osborne should be held to account for his outrageous "emergency budget" claim. But I don`t think many people really took him seriously, and, more importantly, it wasn`t an ongoing frequently repeated lie, like the infamous £350 million or assurances of free access to EU markets.

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Apparently the CPS are considering if the Leave campaigners misled voters. Are they joking? If that is the case every politician on the lead up to an election should be investigated. So many have backtracked on promises, this government included.


Where is the source? What charge do they actually face?

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