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Why do you never see tinned crab now ?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pattricia,

Jack Fulton & Heron's on Waingate, both had it ('White' meat, but can't be certain!) on the shelf when I called in the other week. I would imagine they will stock it in their other stores around Sheffield, if town is too far for you to travel.

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  • 1 year later...


Tesco stocks tinned tinned crab, smoked oysters, tinned salmon, and even oak smoked skippers (my favourite). If you've never tried them, you need to. Knocks sardines and pilchards into a cocked hat. They sell out quickly though.

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I see tinned crab on sale in most supermarkets I go to - it's usually on the tinned fish shelf, near the tinned tuna, salmon, sardines, etc. I don't like it much though - it just tastes like bland, soggy bits of pink-and-white tissue paper, floating in faintly fishy-tasting salty water. Fresh crab is best, but it's a right faff to prepare it. My local fishmonger sells pre-prepared fresh crab - either white meat or brown meat - and some supermarkets sell fozen white or brown crab meat in their frozen fish freezers (usually Waitrose or the Sainsbury's in posher areas).


The fresh and frozen crab meat is about ten times more expensive than the tinned stuff...but far superior, in my opinion.

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Is it just me shopping in the wrong supermarkets but I've never seen tinned crab on the shelves now. Tinned salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna but no crab. ! This used to be my favourite. Maybe it is too expensive now. I've seen fresh crabs but no tins !


Looking at all the replies, the answer to why you don't see tinned crab anymore is because you don't look :|

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