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Canned Red Salmon Ideas?


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Fresh Salmon is better for cooking.


You could always wrap it in thin layer of filo or flaky pastry along with a bit of herby or garlic roulade or similar. Give it just enough time to cook the pastry. Not sure about cooking tinned fish though. Alternatively, you could stir it into white sauce and add some plain white fish bits for sort of fish pie.


I personally only eat tinned salmon on sandwiches.

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Have a salmon salad. Or salmon sandwiches. Flake, season, sprinkle with lemon juice and mix with mashed potato and roll in breadcrumbs for fishcakes. You might want to add a small tin of tuna or some anchovies for those fishcakes. Ignore people who log in with negativity! Best of luck and happy eating. Food is fun and so is finding out what you can do with different ingredients.




---------- Post added 08-02-2016 at 20:13 ----------


And this website might be helpful in the salmon department http://www.thekitchn.com/7-ways-to-eat-canned-salmon-for-dinner-194639

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I removed the lid and yes I did place it in the bin truly foul 2 things that looked like eyes it was all mushy I found a lot of bones in the can just really not for me!


Next time I will buy fresh just like I used to

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I removed the lid and yes I did place it in the bin truly foul 2 things that looked like eyes it was all mushy I found a lot of bones in the can just really not for me!


Next time I will buy fresh just like I used to


Ha-ha, told you :thumbsup:

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