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Canned Red Salmon Ideas?


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Like most people, I prefer a nice piece of fresh salmon to the tinned stuff, but I think tinned red salmon is nice enough and it has it's uses. I like a freshly made tinned salmon and salad sarnie on nice, crusty granary bread.


What I usually do with a tin of red salmon though, is to mash it up thoroughly with a tub of full fat ( or even "light") cream cheese, with a finely minced garlic clove, a bit of grated lemon or lime zest and pinch or two of salt and black pepper. I then add any - or even all -of the following......chopped chives, spring onions, fresh chilli, diced cucumber, quartered cherry tomatos, finely chopped fresh herbs - e.g tarragon, dill, parsley, watercress....anything you fancy really. This is nice as a sandwich filling, spread on toast, or spooned into pitta bread pockets. It also makes a nice dip for crackers, breadsticks, raw vegetables, like celery sticks, carrot or courgette batons etc, etc. This tinned salmon/cream cheese mix also makes a nice main meal too - I just stir a couple of dollops into a pan of freshly cooked pasta, toss it around to warm it through for a minute or two, then eat it with a bit of salad on the side.


Another bonus I've found is that little kids tend to like my tinned salmon/cream cheese concoctions - even those kids who'd turn their noses up and run a mile if you put a nice bit of fresh salmon in front of them. It's a good way to sneakily get a bit of nutritious oily fish down their necks without them realizing!

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I found a delicious way to use tinned salmon in one of my recipe books, not to hand at the moment. This dish is good to serve with BBQs or summer buffets.


From memory:


Boil some new, or Charlotte potatoes till cooked, drain and leave to cool, then chill in fridge, covered.


Put tinned salmon (minus any obvious bones and skin) into a blender, add single cream and milk( to let the sauce go further), add salt, pepper, then pulse until salmon mushy, then blend into a smooth pouring sauce, adding more milk if too thick. Makes a nice salmon pink sauce.


Place chilled potatoes onto a serving platter, then pour sauce mixture all over potatoes, garnish with sprinkled small snips of spring onion (green part) or chives if you prefer.


This is an alternative to the usual potato salad. Looks good and tastes good too. You can also add other seasonings of your choice, have it thicker or thinner by changing proportions of cream to milk, but remember the salmon thickens the result as it blends.

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